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Scala expression to replace a file extension in a string



Here is a version I wrote using split:

fileName.split('.').init ++ Seq("js") mkString "."

This transforms e.g. foo.bar.coffee into foo.bar.js.

What I like:

  • it works
  • it doesn't rely on things like indexOf()
  • it feels functional ;)

What I don't like:

  • it's not as short as I would hope
  • it might confuse some readers

How can I write an even simpler / straightforward version?

UPDATE: Great answers below! In short:

  • seems like my original approach above was not bad although it doesn't cover some corner cases, but that's fixable with a longer expression if you need to cover those
  • another, slightly shorter approach uses regexps, which will be more or less readable depending on your regexp background
  • a slightly shorter syntax for the original approach (corner cases not covered) reads:

    fileName.split('.').init :+ "js" mkString "."

like image 652
ebruchez Avatar asked Jan 19 '11 01:01


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1 Answers

If you know what the current extension is, then you could do this:

def replaceExtension(fileName: String, oldExt: String, newExt: String): String =
  fileName.stripSuffix(oldExt) + newExt

// Be sure to use `.` when calling:
replaceExtension(fileName, ".javascript", ".js")
like image 101
Daniel C. Sobral Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 18:10

Daniel C. Sobral