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selecting a range of elements in an array spark sql

I use spark-shell to do the below operations.

Recently loaded a table with an array column in spark-sql .

Here is the DDL for the same:

create table test_emp_arr{
    dept_id string,
    dept_nm string,
    emp_details Array<string>

the data looks something like this

|dept_id|dept_nm|                     emp_details|
|     10|Finance|[Jon, Snow, Castle, Black, Ned]|
|     20|     IT|            [Ned, is, no, more]|

I can query the emp_details column something like this :

sqlContext.sql("select emp_details[0] from emp_details").show


I want to query a range of elements in the collection :

Expected query to work

sqlContext.sql("select emp_details[0-2] from emp_details").show


sqlContext.sql("select emp_details[0:2] from emp_details").show

Expected output

|        emp_details|
|[Jon, Snow, Castle]|
|      [Ned, is, no]|

In pure Scala, if i have an array something as :

val emp_details = Array("Jon","Snow","Castle","Black")

I can get the elements from 0 to 2 range using


returns me

Array(Jon, Snow,Castle)

I am not able to apply the above operation of the array in spark-sql.


like image 284
serious_black Avatar asked Oct 19 '16 14:10


2 Answers

Here is a solution using a User Defined Function which has the advantage of working for any slice size you want. It simply builds a UDF function around the scala builtin slice method :

import sqlContext.implicits._
import org.apache.spark.sql.functions._

val slice = udf((array : Seq[String], from : Int, to : Int) => array.slice(from,to))

Example with a sample of your data :

val df = sqlContext.sql("select array('Jon', 'Snow', 'Castle', 'Black', 'Ned') as emp_details")
df.withColumn("slice", slice($"emp_details", lit(0), lit(3))).show

Produces the expected output

|         emp_details|              slice|
|[Jon, Snow, Castl...|[Jon, Snow, Castle]|

You can also register the UDF in your sqlContext and use it like this

sqlContext.udf.register("slice", (array : Seq[String], from : Int, to : Int) => array.slice(from,to))
sqlContext.sql("select array('Jon','Snow','Castle','Black','Ned'),slice(array('Jon‌​','Snow','Castle','Black','Ned'),0,3)")

You won't need lit anymore with this solution

like image 58
cheseaux Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 20:11


Since Spark 2.4 you can use slice function. In Python):

pyspark.sql.functions.slice(x, start, length)

Collection function: returns an array containing all the elements in x from index start (or starting from the end if start is negative) with the specified length.


New in version 2.4.

from pyspark.sql.functions import slice

df = spark.createDataFrame([
    (10, "Finance", ["Jon", "Snow", "Castle", "Black", "Ned"]),
    (20, "IT", ["Ned", "is", "no", "more"])
], ("dept_id", "dept_nm", "emp_details"))

df.select(slice("emp_details", 1, 3).alias("empt_details")).show()
|       empt_details|
|[Jon, Snow, Castle]|
|      [Ned, is, no]|

In Scala

def slice(x: Column, start: Int, length: Int): Column

Returns an array containing all the elements in x from index start (or starting from the end if start is negative) with the specified length.

import org.apache.spark.sql.functions.slice

val df = Seq(
    (10, "Finance", Seq("Jon", "Snow", "Castle", "Black", "Ned")),
    (20, "IT", Seq("Ned", "is", "no", "more"))
).toDF("dept_id", "dept_nm", "emp_details")

df.select(slice($"emp_details", 1, 3) as "empt_details").show
|       empt_details|
|[Jon, Snow, Castle]|
|      [Ned, is, no]|

The same thing can be of course done in SQL

SELECT slice(emp_details, 1, 3) AS emp_details FROM df


Please note, that unlike Seq.slice, values are indexed from zero and the second argument is length, not end position.

like image 21
zero323 Avatar answered Nov 15 '22 19:11
