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SBT tab completion not working in interactive mode



When attempting to use tab completion with the run-main command I get the response "{invalid input}". I have used SBT in the past with the same project I am working on and tab completion worked just fine. The only differences are that I have upgraded my work station to Ubuntu 16.04. I cannot think of any other differences (though I could totally be wrong about that). I have looked all over stack overflow (and many other sites) looking for some help on this issue.

For instance I suppose it could be that there are issues with the project definition files for my project. Even if that's the case, I wouldn't know how to fix them (I didn't actually initiate the project so I didn't write those files).

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Eradicator_1729 Avatar asked Jan 20 '17 15:01


1 Answers

I mostly used Ubuntu 16.04 with SBT programs without significant problems. Most of the SBT command-line related problems I have encountered on Ubuntu were caused by one or more of the following:

  • jline - SBT forked an early version of jline 2 and the world moved on to jline 3; SBT got left behind, so lots of issues since solved by the jline community have not made their way into SBT. Try out various jline settings and see if that helps.
  • Your console might not have bash tab completion installed or imported.
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Mike Slinn Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 17:10

Mike Slinn