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Conflicting key types in different subprojects



I have a project with two subprojects. In one, I want to use sbt-docker, in the other, sbt-native-packager. However, they both define a key dockerCmd with different types (String and Seq[String] respectively), so loading the project fails:

java.lang.RuntimeException: Some keys were defined with the same name but different types: 'dockerCmd' (scala.collection.Seq[java.lang.String], java.lang.String)

Is there a way around this easier than modifying the plugins to agree on the types?

like image 741
Hugh Avatar asked Sep 15 '15 01:09


1 Answers

See Plugins Best Practices:

Key naming convention: Use prefix

Sometimes, you need a new key, because there is no existing sbt key. In this case, use a plugin-specific prefix.

like image 97
Eugene Yokota Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 21:10

Eugene Yokota