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sbt-assembly: skip specific test

I would like to configure sbt-assembly to skip a specific test class.

Is there any way to do this? If it helps, I tagged the test using ScalaTest @Network tag.

like image 941
fedragon Avatar asked Mar 18 '14 13:03


2 Answers

See Additional test configurations with shared sources. This allows you to come up with alternative "test" task in FunTest configuration while reusing your test source.

After you have fun:test working with whatever filter you define using testOptions in FunTest := Seq(Tests.Filter(itFilter)), you can then rewire

test in assembly := test in FunTest
like image 152
Eugene Yokota Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 13:01

Eugene Yokota

Eugene is right (obviously) but that wasn't quite enough information for me to get it to work - I have a build.scala file. I am defining baseSettings like this:

     val baseSettings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ 
                        buildSettings ++  
                        Seq(sbt.Keys.test in assembly := {})
like image 42
Mark Butler Avatar answered Jan 03 '23 12:01

Mark Butler