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Saving MapFragment (Maps v2) State in Android

I'm working with the new GoogleMaps API (v2) and have some problems with the fragment. I have two fragments in my app (Map, List) and the user can switch between them. Works fine so far with this code:

if (itemPosition == 0) {
                .replace(R.id.fragmentpos, myMapFragment).commit();
    } else if (itemPosition == 1) {
                .replace(R.id.fragmentpos, myListFragment).commit();

When I work with the map, switch to the list fragment and then back to the map fragment, the last position of the map is not saved. This is not what i want, i want that the map is in the save state as i "left" it.. How can I accomplish this? I tried to save the camera position in

public void onSaveInstanceState(Bundle outState){
   outState.putDouble("LAT", mMap.getCameraPosition().target.latitude);
   outState.putDouble("LON", mMap.getCameraPosition().target.longitude);
   outState.putFloat("BEAR", mMap.getCameraPosition().bearing);


and restore it in onCreateView(), but the Bundle is always null. The onSaveInstanceState is not called if I replace the fragments.

So how can I save the state of the map?

like image 889
Toni4780 Avatar asked Jan 01 '13 21:01


1 Answers

How can I accomplish this?

If you replace() a fragment, the old fragment's views are destroyed, which takes out your MapView and, presumably, the CameraPosition.

onSaveInstanceState() is mostly for configuration changes, such as screen rotations. MapFragment and SupportMapFragment already retain the CameraPosition (which, BTW, is Parcelable, so you can save the whole object in the Bundle rather than piecemeal).

You could consider using show() and hide() instead of replace(), so the fragment and its views sticks around.

like image 127
CommonsWare Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 12:09
