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Save the document generated by javascript

Javascript can manipulate the document the browser is displaying, so the following:


Will make the browser display a table just like if it was the original HTML document:


Is there a way I can save/serve this document content?

Currently we have some nicely generated reports using Ext-js, what I would like to do is to have the "text/html" version of it ( I mean, something that doesn't require javascript )

So at the end of the page I would add a button : "Save as blaba" and the document should display the text/plain version.

The only way I could think right now is, to write the content into a javascript variable like:

 var content = document.toString(); // or something magic like that.
 // post it to the server

Then post that value to the server, and have the server present that value.


But looks very tricky.

Is there an alternative?


Ok, I almost got it. Now I just need the new window to pop up so the option "would you like to save it shows"

This is what I've got so far

    document.write("<div id='content'><table><tr><td>Hola</td><td>Adios</td></tr></table></div>");
    function saveAs(){
        var sMarkup =  document.getElementById('content').innerHTML; 
        var oNewDoc = document.open('application/vnd.ms-excel');        
        oNewDoc.write( sMarkup + "<hr>" );

<input type="button" value="Save as" onClick="saveAs()"/>

The line:

    var oNewDoc = document.open('application/vnd.ms-excel');        

Should specify the new content type, but it is being ignored.

like image 264
OscarRyz Avatar asked Sep 25 '09 18:09


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1 Answers

Unless its being saved client side with File -> Save Page As..., you will have to do exactly what you are proposing, posting $('body').html() to your server and process it as text.

like image 167
Esteban Küber Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 14:10

Esteban Küber