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React Router v4 Nested match params not accessible at root level

Test Case


Steps to reproduce

  • Click on Topics
  • Click on Rendering with React


  • Go to https://rr00y9w2wm.codesandbox.io/topics/rendering

Expected Behavior

  • match.params.topicId should be identical from both the parent Topics component should be the same as match.params.topicId when accessed within the Topic component

Actual Behavior

  • match.params.topicId when accessed within the Topic component is undefined
  • match.params.topicId when accessed within the Topics component is rendering

I understand from this closed issue that this is not necessarily a bug.

This requirement is super common among users who want to create a run in the mill web application where a component Topics at a parent level needs to access the match.params.paramId where paramId is a URL param that matches a nested (child) component Topic:

const Topic = ({ match }) => (
    <h2>Topic ID param from Topic Components</h2>

const Topics = ({ match }) => (
    <h3>{match.params.topicId || "undefined"}</h3>
    <Route path={`${match.url}/:topicId`} component={Topic} />

In a generic sense, Topics could be a Drawer or Navigation Menu component and Topic could be any child component, like it is in the application I'm developing. The child component has it's own :topicId param which has it's own (let's say) <Route path="sections/:sectionId" component={Section} /> Route/Component.

Even more painful, the Navigation Menu needn't have a one-to-one relationship with the component tree. Sometimes the items at the root level of the menu (say Topics, Sections etc.) might correspond to a nested structure (Sections is only rendered under a Topic, /topics/:topicId/sections/:sectionId though it has its own normalized list that is available to the user under the title Sections in the Navigation Bar). Therefore, when Sections is clicked, it should be highlighted, and not both Sections and Topics.

With the sectionId or sections path unavailable to the Navigation Bar component which is at the Root level of the application, it becomes necessary to write hacks like this for such a commonplace use case.

I am not an expert at all at React Router, so if anyone can venture a proper elegant solution to this use case, I would consider this to be a fruitful endeavor. And by elegant, I mean

  • Uses match and not history.location.pathname
  • Does not involve hacky approaches like manually parsing the window.location.xxx
  • Doesn't use this.props.location.pathname
  • Does not use third party libraries like path-to-regexp
  • Does not use query params

Other hacks/partial solutions/related questions:

  1. React Router v4 - How to get current route?

  2. React Router v4 global no match to nested route childs


like image 588
nikjohn Avatar asked Oct 06 '18 22:10


3 Answers

React-router doesn't give you the match params of any of the matched children Route , rather it gives you the params based on the current match. So if you have your Routes setup like

<Route path='/topic' component={Topics} />

and in Topics component you have a Route like

<Route path=`${match.url}/:topicId` component={Topic} />

Now if your url is /topic/topic1 which matched the inner Route but for the Topics component, the matched Route is still, /topic and hence has no params in it, which makes sense.

If you want to fetch params of the children Route matched in the topics component, you would need to make use of matchPath utility provided by React-router and test against the child route whose params you want to obtain

import { matchPath } from 'react-router'

    const {users, flags, location } = this.props;
    const match = matchPath(location.pathname, {
       path: '/topic/:topicId',
       exact: true,
       strict: false
    if(match) {
    return (
            <Route exact path="/topic/:topicId" component={Topic} />


One method to get all the params at any level is to make use of context and update the params as and when they match in the context Provider.

You would need to create a wrapper around Route for it to work correctly, A typical example would look like


import React from "react";
import _ from "lodash";
import { matchPath } from "react-router-dom";
import { ParamContext } from "./ParamsContext";
import { withRouter, Route } from "react-router-dom";

class CustomRoute extends React.Component {
  getMatchParams = props => {
    const { location, path, exact, strict } = props || this.props;
    const match = matchPath(location.pathname, {
    if (match) {
      return match.params;
    return {};
  componentDidMount() {
    const { updateParams } = this.props;
  componentDidUpdate(prevProps) {
    const { updateParams, match } = this.props;
    const currentParams = this.getMatchParams();
    const prevParams = this.getMatchParams(prevProps);
    if (!_.isEqual(currentParams, prevParams)) {

  componentWillUnmount() {
    const { updateParams } = this.props;
    const matchParams = this.getMatchParams();
    Object.keys(matchParams).forEach(k => (matchParams[k] = undefined));
  render() {
    return <Route {...this.props} />;

const RouteWithRouter = withRouter(CustomRoute);

export default props => (
    {({ updateParams }) => {
      return <RouteWithRouter updateParams={updateParams} {...props} />;


import React from "react";
import { ParamContext } from "./ParamsContext";
export default class ParamsProvider extends React.Component {
  state = {
    allParams: {}
  updateParams = params => {
    console.log({ params: JSON.stringify(params) });
    this.setState(prevProps => ({
      allParams: {
  render() {
    return (
          allParams: this.state.allParams,
          updateParams: this.updateParams


      <App />

Working DEMO

like image 119
Shubham Khatri Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 12:11

Shubham Khatri

Try utilizing query parameters ? to allow the parent and child to access the current selected topic. Unfortunately, you will need to use the module qs because react-router-dom doesn't automatically parse queries (react-router v3 does).

Working example: https://codesandbox.io/s/my1ljx40r9

URL is structured like a concatenated string:


Then you would add to the query with &:


✔ Uses match for Route URL handling

✔ Doesn't use this.props.location.pathname (uses this.props.location.search)

✔ Uses qs to parse location.search

✔ Does not involve hacky approaches


import React from "react";
import { Link, Route } from "react-router-dom";
import qs from "qs";
import Topic from "./Topic";

export default ({ match, location }) => {
  const { topic } = qs.parse(location.search, {
    ignoreQueryPrefix: true

  return (
          <Link to={`${match.url}/topic?topic=rendering`}>
            Rendering with React
          <Link to={`${match.url}/topic?topic=components`}>Components</Link>
          <Link to={`${match.url}/topic?topic=props-v-state`}>
            Props v. State
        Topic ID param from Topic<strong>s</strong> Components
      <h3>{topic && topic}</h3>
        render={props => <Topic {...props} topic={topic} />}
        render={() => <h3>Please select a topic.</h3>}

Another approach would be to create a HOC that stores params to state and children update the parent's state when its params have changed.

URL is structured like a folder tree: /topics/rendering/optimization/pure-components/shouldComponentUpdate

Working example: https://codesandbox.io/s/9joknpm9jy

✔ Uses match for Route URL handling

✔ Doesn't use this.props.location.pathname

✔ Uses lodash for object to object comparison

✔ Does not involve hacky approaches


import map from "lodash/map";
import React, { Fragment, Component } from "react";
import NestedRoutes from "./NestedRoutes";
import Links from "./Links";
import createPath from "./createPath";

export default class Topics extends Component {
  state = {
    params: "",
    paths: []

  componentDidMount = () => {
    const urlPaths = [
    this.setState({ paths: createPath(urlPaths) });

  handleUrlChange = params => this.setState({ params });

  showParams = params =>
      ? null
      : map(params, name => <Fragment key={name}>{name} </Fragment>);

  render = () => (
      <Links match={this.props.match} />
        Topic ID param from Topic<strong>s</strong> Components
      <h3>{this.state.params && this.showParams(this.state.params)}</h3>


import map from "lodash/map";
import React, { Fragment } from "react";
import { Route } from "react-router-dom";
import Topic from "./Topic";

export default ({ handleUrlChange, match, paths, showParams }) => (
    {map(paths, path => (
        render={props => (
      render={() => <h3>Please select a topic.</h3>}
like image 41
Matt Carlotta Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 11:11

Matt Carlotta

If you have a known set of child routes then you can use something like this:

Import {BrowserRouter as Router, Route, Switch } from 'react-router-dom'

  <Route path={`${baseUrl}/home/:expectedTag?/:expectedEvent?`} component={Parent} />
const Parent = (props) => {
    return (
       <div >
         <Route path={`${baseUrl}/home/summary`} component={ChildOne} />

In the above example Parent will get expectedTag, expectedEvent as the match params and there is no conflict with the child components and Child component will get activeTag, activeEvent, activeIndex as the parameters. Same name for params can also be used, I have tried that as well.

like image 1
tarun jain Avatar answered Nov 07 '22 13:11

tarun jain