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Save Mathematica code in `FullForm` syntax

I need to do some metaprogramming on a large Mathematica code base (hundreds of thousands of lines of code) and don't want to have to write a full-blown parser so I was wondering how best to get the code from a Mathematica notebook out in an easily-parsed syntax.

Is it possible to export a Mathematica notebook in FullForm syntax, or to save all definitions in FullForm syntax?

The documentation for Save says that it can only export in the InputForm syntax, which is non-trivial to parse.

The best solution I have so far is to evaluate the notebook and then use DownValues to extract the rewrite rules with arguments (but this misses symbol definitions) as follows:

DVs[_] := {}
DVs[s_Symbol] := DownValues[s]
stream = OpenWrite["FullForm.m"];
  DVs[Symbol[#]] & /@ Names["Global`*"] // Flatten // FullForm];

I've tried a variety of approaches so far but none are working well. Metaprogramming in Mathematica seems to be extremely difficult because it keeps evaluating things that I want to keep unevaluated. For example, I wanted to get the string name of the infinity symbol using SymbolName[Infinity] but the Infinity gets evaluated into a non-symbol and the call to SymbolName dies with an error. Hence my desire to do the metaprogramming in a more suitable language.


The best solution seems to be to save the notebooks as package (.m) files by hand and then translate them using the following code:

stream = OpenWrite["EverythingFullForm.m"];
WriteString[stream, Import["Everything.m", "HeldExpressions"] // FullForm];
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J D Avatar asked Nov 26 '11 21:11


2 Answers

You can certainly do this. Here is one way:

exportCode[fname_String] := 
    Export[fname, ToString@HoldForm@FullForm@code, "String"], 

For example:

fn = exportCode["C:\\Temp\\mmacode.m"];
  getWordsIndices[sym_, words : {__String}] := 
      Developer`ToPackedArray[words /. sym["Direct"]];

And importing this as a string:

In[623]:= Import["C:\\Temp\\mmacode.m","String"]//InputForm
"CompoundExpression[Clear[getWordsIndices], SetDelayed[getWordsIndices[Pattern[sym, Blank[]], \
Pattern[words, List[BlankSequence[String]]]], Developer`ToPackedArray[ReplaceAll[words, \
sym[\"Direct\"]]]], Null]"

However, going to other language to do metaprogramming for Mathematica sounds ridiculous to me, given that Mathematica is very well suited for that. There are many techniques available in Mathematica to do meta-programming and avoid premature evaluation. One that comes to my mind I described in this answer, but there are many others. Since you can operate on parsed code and use the pattern-matching in Mathematica, you save a lot. You can browse the SO Mathematica tags (past questions) and find lots of examples of meta-programming and evaluation control.


To ease your pain with auto-evaluating symbols (there are only a few actually, Infinity being one of them).If you just need to get a symbol name for a given symbol, then this function will help:

unevaluatedSymbolName =  Function[sym, SymbolName@Unevaluated@sym, HoldAllComplete]

You use it as

In[638]:= unevaluatedSymbolName[Infinity]//InputForm

Alternatively, you can simply add HoldFirst attribute to SymbolName function via SetAttributes. One way is to do that globally:

SetAttributes[SymbolName,HoldFirst]; SymbolName[Infinity]//InputForm

Modifying built-in functions globally is however dangerous since it may have unpredictable effects for such a large system as Mathematica:

ClearAttributes[SymbolName, HoldFirst];

Here is a macro to use that locally:

SetAttributes[withUnevaluatedSymbolName, HoldFirst];
withUnevaluatedSymbolName[code_] :=
     SetAttributes[SymbolName, HoldFirst];



Out[649]//InputForm=  {"Infinity", 8}

You may also wish to do some replacements in a piece of code, say, replace a given symbol by its name. Here is an example code (which I wrap in Hold to prevent it from evaluation):

c = Hold[Integrate[Exp[-x^2], {x, -Infinity, Infinity}]]

The general way to do replacements in such cases is using Hold-attributes (see this answer) and replacements inside held expressions (see this question). For the case at hand:


Hold[Integrate[Exp[-x^2], {x, -"Infinity", "Infinity"}]]

, although this is not the only way to do this. Instead of using the above macro, we can also encode the modification to SymbolName into the rule itself (here I am using a more wordy form ( Trott - Strzebonski trick) of in-place evaluation, but you can use RuleCondition as well:

SetAttributes[replaceSymbolUnevaluatedRule, HoldFirst];
replaceSymbolUnevaluatedRule[sym_Symbol] :=
  HoldPattern[sym] :> With[{eval = SymbolName@Unevaluated@sym}, eval /; True];

Now, for example:

    Hold[Integrate[Exp[-x^2], {x, -"Infinity", "Infinity"}]]

Actually, this entire answer is a good demonstration of various meta-programming techniques. From my own experiences, I can direct you to this, this, this, this and this answers of mine, where meta-programming was essential to solve problem I was addressing. You can also judge by the fraction of functions in Mathematica carrying Hold-attributes to all functions - it is about 10-15 percents if memory serves me well. All those functions are effectively macros, operating on code. To me, this is a very indicative fact, telling me that Mathematica jeavily builds on its meta-programming facilities.

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Leonid Shifrin Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 09:10

Leonid Shifrin

The full forms of expressions can be extracted from the Code and Input cells of a notebook as follows:

$exprs =    
    Import["mynotebook.nb", "Notebook"]
  , Cell[content_, "Code"|"Input", ___] :>
      ToExpression[content, StandardForm, HoldComplete]
  , Infinity
  ] //
  Flatten[HoldComplete @@ #, 1, HoldComplete] & //

$exprs is assigned the expressions read, wrapped in Hold to prevent evaluation. $exprs could then be saved into a text file:

Export["myfile.txt", ToString[$exprs]]

Package files (.m) are slightly easier to read in this way:

Import["mypackage.m", "HeldExpressions"] //
Flatten[HoldComplete @@ #, 1, HoldComplete] &
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WReach Avatar answered Oct 11 '22 07:10
