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Save All Files Before Build Gone in Visual Studio 2012?

In Visual Studio 2010, there was a setting under Tools --> Options --> Projects and Solutions --> Build And Run --> Before Building (Save all changes). In VS 2012, this setting appears to be gone, and my solution is not saving before build. Note that the projects I am building is a MakeFile project with Clang/LLVM for the compiler, if that is relevant info.

Is there a setting somewhere that I am missing?

like image 740
Sam Cristall Avatar asked Mar 08 '13 23:03

Sam Cristall

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When you create a new project, Visual Studio saves it to its default location, %USERPROFILE%\source\repos. To change this location, go to Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > Locations.

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Starting with 17.2 Preview 1, the new autosave feature will help with this. Use Visual Studio Search (Ctrl+Q) and look for “autosave”. That will take you to the Environment\Documents page in Tools\Options.

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On the menu bar, choose Build, and then choose either Build ProjectName or Rebuild ProjectName. Choose Build ProjectName to build only those project components that have changed since the most recent build. Choose Rebuild ProjectName to "clean" the project and then build the project files and all project components.

1 Answers

According to the answer provided by Vicky Song (Microsoft), the feature is no longer available. If you wish to submit a feature request, they will consider it.

Reference: http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/vstudio/en-US/be441ff6-682f-4534-b653-99632a7975a4/before-building-settings

like image 153
Nathan R. Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09

Nathan R.