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Save a file in json format using Notepad++



I have a json format (let's say text) in Notepad++.

I want to save it as a json file using filename.json format.

How can I make it in Notepad++ (because I can't find the extension when I go to save as option)

like image 511
Bil Bal Avatar asked Mar 24 '15 12:03

Bil Bal

People also ask

Can Notepad be used for JSON?

JSOn content in a file contains strings, so You can use any editor to open and save the files. Notepad++ is also used to open and read JSON files. It supports opening and reading larger JSOn files by reading json content into memory, So Notepad++ throws Out Of Memory Exception If the file is in size of GB's.

How do I create a JSON file and write it?

Method 2: Writing JSON to a file in Python using json.dump() Another way of writing JSON to a file is by using json.dump() method The JSON package has the “dump” function which directly writes the dictionary to a file in the form of JSON, without needing to convert it into an actual JSON object.

2 Answers

You can save it as .txt and change it manually using a mouse click and your keyboard. OR, when saving the file:

  • choose All types(*.*) in the Save as type field.
  • type filename.json in File name field
like image 107
yiabiten Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 16:10


enter image description hereSave the file as *.txt and then rename the file and change the file extension to json

like image 30
nom Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 14:10
