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SASS and Data Attribute Selecting and Nesting



I would like to apply some style to elements with the data attribute product but also to specific products.

Is there a way to do something like this?

[data-product] {
  color: #000;
  &[="red"] {   // <- this line
    color: #f00;
like image 782
franksort Avatar asked Aug 19 '14 00:08


1 Answers

Prior to Sass 3.4, this is just not possible at all. The deal-breaking features here are the ability to store the current selector into a variable and the ability to split a string (though the later could be created via SassScript functions).

@mixin append-attr($x) {
    $sel: &;
    $collector: ();

    @for $i from 1 through length($sel) {
        $s: nth($sel, $i);
        $last: nth($s, -1);
        @if str-slice($last, -1) == "]" {
            // if is just the bare attribute with no value, $offset will be -1, otherwise it will be -2
            $offset: -1;
            $current-x: $x;

            @if str-slice($last, -2) == '"]' {
                // this attribute already has a value, so we need to adjust the offset
                $offset: -2;
            } @else {
                // no attribute value, so add the equals and quotes
                $current-x: '="' + $x + '"';
            $last: str-slice($last, 1, $offset - 1) + $current-x + str-slice($last, $offset);
            $collector: append($collector, set-nth($s, -1, $last), comma);
        } @else {
            // following line will append $x to your non-attribute selector
            $collector: append($collector, selector-append($s, $x), comma);
            // the following line will not change your non-attribute selector at all
            //$collector: append($collector, $s, comma);

    @at-root #{$collector} {


[data-product] {
    color: white;

    @include append-attr("red") {
        color: red;

        @include append-attr('-green') {
            color: green;

[one], [two] {
    color: orange;

    @include append-attr('alpha') {
        color: yellow;

[test], .test {
    @include append-attr('-one') {
        color: red;

.bar input[min] {
    @include append-attr('5') {
        background: yellow;


[data-product] {
  color: white;
[data-product="red"] {
  color: red;
[data-product="red-green"] {
  color: green;

[one], [two] {
  color: orange;
[one="alpha"], [two="alpha"] {
  color: yellow;

[test="-one"], .test-one {
  color: red;

.bar input[min="5"] {
  background: yellow;

Related: Modifying the middle of a selector in Sass (adding/removing classes, etc.)

like image 129
cimmanon Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 08:10
