I'm attempting to create a SAS macro that will generate a shift table for laboratory values. I have the following data:
Study Subject Lab Measure Range Group Visit
Study1 001 Lab1 45 Normal 1 Baseline
Study1 001 Lab1 50 High 1 Visit2
Study1 001 Lab1 55 High 1 Visit3
Study1 002 Lab1 40 Normal 1 Baseline
Study1 002 Lab1 44 Normal 1 Visit1
Study1 002 Lab1 45 Normal 1 Visit2
Study1 002 Lab1 46 Normal 1 Visit3
Study1 002 Lab1 52 High 1 Visit4
I'd like to create the following output:
Final Lab Value
Parameter Group Baseline Value Low Normal High Missing
Lab1 Study 1 Group 1 (N = 2)
LOW 0 0 0 0
NORMAL 0 0 2 (100) 0
HIGH 0 0 0 0
LOW or NORMAL (N = 2) 0 0 2 (100) 0
HIGH or NORMAL (N = 2) 0 0 2 (100) 0
So far I've been able to create a basic shift table, but I would like to expand this to a 'by study' macro.
Here is the output for two or more studies.
Final Lab Value
Parameter Group Baseline Value Low Normal High Missing
Lab1 Study 1 Group 1 (N = 2)
LOW 0 0 0 0
NORMAL 0 0 2 (100) 0
HIGH 0 0 0 0
LOW or NORMAL (N = 2) 0 0 2 (100) 0
HIGH or NORMAL (N = 2) 0 0 2 (100) 0
Low Normal High Missing
Study 1 Group 2 (N = 8)
LOW 0 0 0 0
NORMAL 0 0 8 (100) 0
HIGH 0 0 0 0
LOW or NORMAL (N = 8) 0 0 8 (100) 0
HIGH or NORMAL (N = 8) 0 0 8 (100) 0
Low Normal High Missing
Study 2 Group 1 (N = 8)
LOW 0 0 0 0
NORMAL 0 0 8 (100) 0
HIGH 0 0 0 0
LOW or NORMAL (N = 8) 0 0 8 (100) 0
HIGH or NORMAL (N = 8) 0 0 8 (100) 0
A SAS macro returns text that is inserted into the processing stream. Returns is absolutely an appropriate term for that. And when the text happens to be a single numeric, then it's fine to say that it returns a value.
lborres – result or finding in original units. lborresu – original units. lbsrtesu - standard units. lbstresn – numeric result/finding in standard units. lbstresc – character result/finding in standard format.
Macros allow you to execute a set of SAS statements with just one statement, and while this alone can be helpful, macros are even more powerful when you add parameters to them. Parameters are macro variables whose values are set when you invoke the macro. Parameters give your macros flexibility.
Become a Better Data Professional With Simplilearn These are two types of Macro variables, Global, Local, and a Macro program begins with a %MACRO and ends with a %MEND. Some commonly used Macros are - %END, %RETURN, and %PUT.
Here is a clean room shift report macro that can accept parameters
%shift_report (
groupBy=study group, groupExpression=catx(' ','Study',study,'Group',group),
The clean approach allows the use of multilabel formats to more easily accommodate counting of combinations of baseline ranges to be shown in the report. For example:
value $baselineRange (multilabel notsorted)
'Low' = 'Low'
'Normal' = 'Normal'
'High' = 'High'
'Low', 'Normal' = 'Low or Normal'
'High','Normal' = 'High or Normal'
The advanced Proc MEANS
were used to count the number of each range shift pair within the group.
SAS procedures don't have a built-in mechanism to specify a single cell should contain <n> (%)
so those cell values have to be computed. I chose to do so in REPORT compute blocks instead of in a DATA step.
Developing and testing general purpose macro typically requires more data than shown in the question, so I wrote a data generator to simulate the gathering of the unicorn measure snarfle:
proc format;
value SnarfleRange
10-30 = 'Low'
30-55 = 'Normal'
55-95 = 'High'
. = 'Missing'
value $baselineRange (multilabel notsorted)
'Low' = 'Low'
'Normal' = 'Normal'
'High' = 'High'
'Low', 'Normal' = 'Low or Normal'
'High','Normal' = 'High or Normal'
data have;
call streaminit(123);
do lab = 'Lab1', 'Lab2';
do study = 1 to 3;
do group = 1 to 3;
do subject = 1 to 10;
visit_top = ceil(rand('uniform', 8)); drop visit_top;
do _n_ = 1 to visit_top;
length visit $10;
visit_timestamp + 1; %* proxy for an actual timestamp;
if _n_ = 1
then visit = 'Baseline';
else visit = cats('Visit',_n_);
snarfle_measure = 10 + ceil(rand('uniform',85));
if rand('uniform') < 0.25 and _n_ = visit_top then
snarfle_measure = .;
snarfle_range = put (snarfle_measure, SnarfleRange.);
%macro shift_report (data=, parameter=, groupBy=, groupExpression=, subject=, range=);
/* presume data sorted by lab, then study, then group, then subject, then visit order
* presume first subject visit is baseline and last subject visit is final
* presume ranges are Low, Normal, High
* presume baseline ranges reported are Low, Normal, High, Low|Normal, High|Normal;
data firstlast_rows;
set &data;
by ¶meter &groupBy &subject;
* keep first and last measures, excluding subjects with only baseline;
if (first.subject or last.subject) and (not first.subject=last.subject);
if last.subject then visit = 'Final';
rename ¶meter = Parameter;
* Reshape to have one row per subject;
proc transpose data=firstlast_rows out=subject_base_final;
by Parameter &groupBy &subject;
var ⦥
id visit;
* Count number of subjects in group;
proc freq noprint data=subject_base_final;
by Parameter &groupBy;
table Parameter / out=group_counts;
* Prep classData for full shift report;
* Will allow report to show a 0 count when no subject has a ceratain shift;
data classData;
length baseline final $7;
do baseline = 'Low', 'Normal', 'High';
do final = 'Low', 'Normal', 'High', 'Missing';
* Note:
* A PreLoadFmt of a format defined with option NOTSORTED will cause
* order=data to follow the order of the format definition
* count the number of subjects that had which range shift from baseline;
proc means noprint data=subject_base_final classData=classData completeTypes;
by Parameter &groupBy;
class baseline / MLF order=data preloadfmt ; %* Multi-label format;
class final / order=data preloadfmt ;
types baseline * final;
format baseline $baselineRange.;
output out=shift_freqs n=n;
* Reshape data for Proc REPORT;
proc transpose data=shift_freqs out=shift_table;
by Parameter &groupBy baseline notsorted;
var n;
id final;
* Concatenate group count data with range shift count data;
* Needed for percent computation and first row reported for group;
data shift_table_groupn;
set group_counts shift_table;
by Parameter &groupBy;
report_group = &groupExpression; %* compute value to be shown in report for group column;
retain group_COUNT;
if not missing (COUNT) then group_COUNT = COUNT; %* repeat group count (# subjects), is needed for % computation;
%* percent should only be 100 and only present for data from group_counts (freq output);
if missing (percent)
then row_N = sum(low,normal,high);
else row_N = count;
options missing = ' ';
proc report data=shift_table_groupn;
Parameter report_group group_count row_N
baseline baseline_n
low low_pct
normal normal_pct
high high_pct
missing missing_pct
define Parameter / order order=data;
define report_group / order order=data;
define group_COUNT / display noprint;
define row_N / display noprint;
define baseline / display noprint;
define low / display noprint;
define normal / display noprint;
define high / display noprint;
define missing / display noprint;
define baseline_n / 'BaseLine' computed;
define low_pct / 'Low' computed;
define normal_pct / 'Normal' computed;
define high_pct / 'High' computed;
define missing_pct/ 'Missing' computed;
compute after report_group;
line ' ';
compute baseline_n / character length=25;
baseline_n = ifc(row_N in (. 0), ' ', cats(baseline) || ' (N = ' || cats(row_N) || ')');
compute low_pct / character length=25;
if not missing(low) then low_pct=low;
if low > 0 then
low_pct = cats(low) || ' (' || cats(round(100*low/group_count)) || '%)';
compute normal_pct / character length=25;
if not missing(normal) then normal_pct=normal;
if normal > 0 then
normal_pct = cats(normal) || ' (' || cats(round(100*normal/group_count)) || '%)';
compute high_pct / character length=25;
if not missing(high) then high_pct=high;
if high > 0 then
high_pct = cats(high) || ' (' || cats(round(100*high/group_count)) || '%)';
compute missing_pct / character length=25;
if not missing(missing) then missing_pct=missing;
if missing > 0 then
missing_pct = cats(missing) || ' (' || cats(round(100*missing/group_count)) || '%)';
options missing = '.';
* Use whatever ODS destination and output location you want;
ods html5 file='shift_report.html' path='c:\temp';
%shift_report (
groupBy=study group, groupExpression=catx(' ','Study',study,'Group',group),
ods _all_ close;
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