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Performance problems with EF core QueryFilter

In our system we ran into performance problems while using QueryFilters in EF core. The problem is that EF core filters inside a LEFT JOIN instead of doing the filtering outside of it.

The generated SQL looks something like this:

SELECT [pom].[Id],
FROM [externaldata].[PurchaseOfferMetadata] AS [pom]
    SELECT [po].[Id],
    FROM [externaldata].[PurchaseOffer] AS [po]
    WHERE [po].[MandatorId] = 1
) AS [t] ON [pom].[Id] = [t].[Id]
WHERE [pom].[Id] IN 
    (CAST(3094411 AS bigint), 
    CAST(4757070 AS bigint), 
    CAST(4757112 AS bigint), 
    CAST(5571232 AS bigint))

The problematic part is WHERE [po].[MandatorId] = 1. If this would be in the second WHERE statement, the query runs much faster.

The database model is configured like this:

      .HasQueryFilter(po => po.MandatorId == 1)
      .ToTable(nameof(PurchaseOffer), schema: ExternalDataSchemaName);

      .HasOne(pom => pom.PurchaseOffer)
      .WithOne(po => po.Metadata)
      .HasForeignKey<PurchaseOffer>(po => po.Id);

On the database we have set the foreign key like this:

IF OBJECT_ID('[externaldata].[FK_PurchaseOffer_PurchaseOfferMetadata]', 'F') IS NULL
    ALTER TABLE [externaldata].[PurchaseOffer] ADD CONSTRAINT [FK_PurchaseOffer_PurchaseOfferMetadata] FOREIGN KEY
    REFERENCES [externaldata].[PurchaseOfferMetadata] ([Id])

The EF core query looks like this:

var existingPurchaseOfferMetadatasById = await db.PurchaseOfferMetadatas
   .Where(pom => purchaseOfferIds.Contains(pom.Id))
   .Include(pom => pom.PurchaseOffer)
   .ToDictionaryAsync(pom => pom.Id, cancellationToken);

Currently we have the following amount of records in each table:

  • PurchaseOfferMetadata: 12'654'639
  • PurchaseOffer: 1'689'634

Has anyone also encountered this problem and might found a solution to this?

like image 711
sandrowi Avatar asked Mar 19 '19 10:03


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You can improve data access performance in Entity Framework Core in several ways. These include enabling eager loading, disabling lazy loading, using streaming instead of buffering, and disabling change tracking.

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Dapper is super awesome to handle complex queries that sport multiple joins and some real long business logic. Entity Framework Core is great for class generation, object tracking, mapping to multiple nested classes, and quite a lot more.

Is EF core good?

EF Core is definitely a neat product. It works pretty well for how little code you have to write and I've had fun learning it at work.

How do you call SP from EF core?

From this object, you can create a command object using the CreateCommand() method. Fill in the CommandText property of the command object with the SQL statement you created with the call to the stored procedure. Open the connection on the database object and you're now ready to call the stored procedure.

1 Answers

EF has historically not done a great job of creating the most optimized SQL queries when joins are complex. I can't answer how you get Linq to understand your database optimization design; however, if you know the SQL that should be generated, then I am proposing that for better complex READ performance, use a NuGet package like Dapper to write the exact SQL you want and get the joins your database deserves.

using Dapper;


public class SalsaZima
  public int ID { get; set; }
  public string MySalsaColumn { get; set; }
  public string MyZimaColumn { get; set; }


// get data from database
using (IDbConnection dp = Dapper)
  string query = @"SELECT 
                   FROM dbo.Salsa s 
                   LEFT JOIN dbo.Zima z
                     ON s.ZimaID = z.ID";

  return dp.Query<SalsaZima>(query).ToList();
like image 192
Dave Skender Avatar answered Oct 04 '22 23:10

Dave Skender