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(SaltStack) ID dog in SLS dog is not a dictionary



I have been trying to find a pattern (bcm2708_wdog) in the /etc/modules file and if it isnt there add it to the bottom. Every time I try this I get the "ID dog in SLS dog is not a dictionary". I have no idea what this means. Here is the file:

  - file.replace:
    - name: /etc/modules
    - pattern: 'bcm2708_wdog'
    - append_if_not_found: True
like image 932
ad450 Avatar asked Jul 14 '15 18:07


1 Answers

It should probably look like this:

  file.replace:    # <--------this line was your problem.
    - name: /etc/modules
    - pattern: 'bcm2708_wdog'
    - append_if_not_found: True

Lines beginning with "-" denote items in a list. In your version, you've defined the top-level "dog" element as a list containing a dictionary. Salt expects it to be a straight dictionary instead, hence the error.

like image 76
Andrew Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 02:11
