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Salesforce Apex Triggers - How to check if field is included in update trigger?

I would really appreciate if someone can guide me to check if a particular field is included in update call inside a before/after update trigger. Many thanks.

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Mustafa Turab Ali Avatar asked Apr 05 '11 07:04

Mustafa Turab Ali

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You can also view all triggers in Setup by entering Apex Triggers in the Quick Find box, then selecting Apex Triggers. You can add, edit, or delete Apex using the Salesforce user interface only in a Developer Edition organization, a Salesforce Enterprise Edition trial organization, or sandbox organization.

1 Answers

All fields are always present in the trigger regardless of whether they are dirty or not, to ascertain if a specific field has been modified you have to retrieve a previous version of the row using oldMap map which is a Map<ID, sObject> and compare the values in old and new. For example

trigger CaseOnParticularFieldUpdate on Case (before update) {
    for (Case c: Trigger.new) {
        Case oldCase = Trigger.oldMap.get(c.ID);
        if (c.Field != oldCase.Field) {
            // field was updated, do some magic here
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mmix Avatar answered Oct 03 '22 19:10
