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INSTEAD OF Triggers and CASCADE paths

Let's say I have 3 tables in a hierarchy:

TableA -> TableB -> TableC

TableC has a foreign key relationship with TableB, and TableB has a foreign key relationship with TableA.

If i delete a record in TableA, it should cascade delete down through the hierarchy. Using ON DELETE CASCADE would work fine.

However let's say I need to put an INSTEAD OF trigger on TableC. My understanding is that an INSTEAD OF trigger can not be put on a table that has a delete cascade going to it. Taken from MSDN:

For INSTEAD OF triggers, the DELETE option is not allowed on tables that have a referential relationship specifying a cascade action ON DELETE.

If I have to take the cascade delete off TableB->TableC, I would need to use an INSTEAD OF trigger to enforce Referential Integrity, and then I have the same problem with TableB->TableA. This is a simple example, but imagine the cascade path being much larger. It seems like it could easily snowball throughout a long cascade path.

So what are the best practices for dealing with this scenario?

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Brett Postin Avatar asked Apr 19 '12 08:04

Brett Postin

2 Answers

Assuming you must use INSTEAD OF triggers, and AFTER triggers are not an option, the best approach is to a) tightly control the schema so that you can b) script the INSTEAD OF triggers out in a regular fashion to implement the CASCADE DELETE and whatever other operations you need.

Create the FK constraints as before, but w/out any cascade behavior. In the FK name, use some convention to indicate what kind of cascade behavior and custom behavior should occur, eg:

  • FK_UC_DC_Table1_Table2 -- update cascade, delete cascade
  • FK_UC_DN_Table1_Table3 -- update cascade, delete set null

Use whatever makes sense, but do create the FKs, they are useful metadata for code generation, and you can use the FK names to record directives for the code-generator.

I'd then take it a step further and isolate these tables in their own schema. They won't behave the same way as other tables, and they will be more buggy at first as you test and fine-tune the code generation. Best to keep all this quarantined, and easily identifiable by a common container.

A dedicated schema will also inform anyone modifying the data that different rules and behavior apply.

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Peter Radocchia Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 19:11

Peter Radocchia

The standard best-practice is to define INSTEAD OF triggers on views, not on tables.

If you have to use a trigger on a FK update/delete you are best to use AFTER, since it will always execute.

If you want to cancel the cascading actions but retain the FKs, just set the FK action to NO ACTION.

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matchdav Avatar answered Nov 01 '22 17:11
