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sails.js with passport-twitter

I am integrating passport with sails.

While google and facebook is working fine in my application I struggle with twitter authentication! When clicking on the 'login with twitter' button there is an error thrown wich says: Error: OAuthStrategy requires session support. Did you forget app.use(express.session(...))?

I read here that sessions are necessary for twitter authentication to work. I made sure my app has sessions activated!

I testet passport-twitter with a simple express app (without sails) to make sure the module is working and my twitter credentials are intact.

I am assuming sails sessions are different to express sessions? Is sails changing the way sessions work? Any advice on how to solve this?

EDIT: Added some more info as requested in the comments:

Sails Version: 0.9.13


twitter: function(res, req) {
    passport.authenticate('twitter', {failureRedirect: '/login'}, function(err, user, info) {
      return console.log(err, user, info);
    })(req, res);


passport.use(new TwitterStrategy({
    consumerKey: '**************',
    consumerSecret: '********************',
    callbackURL: ""
  function(token, tokenSecret, profile, done){
    process.nextTick(function() {
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Sven Avatar asked Mar 24 '14 11:03


Video Answer

1 Answers

Did you try sails-generate-auth with sails 0.10? It makes life easier from my point of view: https://www.npmjs.org/package/sails-generate-auth

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Diego Pamio Avatar answered Oct 30 '22 00:10

Diego Pamio