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Safer type tests in Prolog


ISO-Prolog (ISO/IEC 13211-1:1995 including Cor.1:2007, Cor.2:2012) offers the following built-in predicates for testing the type of a term:

8.3 Type testing

1 var/1. 2 atom/1. 3 integer/1. 4 float/1. 5 atomic/1. 6 compound/1. 7 nonvar/1. 8 number/1. 9 callable/1. 10 ground/1. 11 acyclic_term/1.

Within this group there are those whose purpose is solely to test for a certain instantiation, that is 8.3.1 var/1, 8.3.7 nonvar/1, 8.3.10 ground/1, and those that assume that a term is sufficiently instantiated such that the type test is safe. Unfortunately, they are combined with testing for a concrete instantiation.

Consider the goal integer(X) which fails if X is a nonvar term that is not an integer and when X is a variable. This destroys many desirable declarative properties:

?- X = 1, integer(X).

?- integer(X), X = 1.

Ideally the second query would either succeed using some form of coroutining ; or it would issue an instantiation error1 according to the error classification. After all:

7.12.2 Error classification

Errors are classified according to the form of Error_term:

a) There shall be an Instantiation Error when an
argument or one of its components is a variable, and an
instantiated argument or component is required. It has
the form instantiation_error.


Note that this implicit combination of instantiation testing and type testing leads to many errors in Prolog programs and also here on SO.

A quick fix to this situation would be to add an explicit test in front of every test built-in, either verbosely as

   ( nonvar(T) -> true ; throw(error(instantiation_error,_)) ),
   integer(T), ....

or more compactly as

functor(T, _,_),
integer(T), ....

it could be even

T =.. _,
integer(T), ...

My question is twofold:

How to provide this functionality on the user level?

and, to make this also a bit challenging:

What is the most compact implementation of a safer atomic/1 written in ISO-Prolog?

1 Other less desirable options would be to loop or to produce a resource error. Still preferable to an incorrect result.

like image 303
false Avatar asked Dec 04 '14 23:12


1 Answers

The testing for types needs to distinguish itself from the traditional "type testing" built-ins that implicitly also test for a sufficient instantiation. So we effectively test only for sufficiently instantiated terms (si). And if they are not sufficiently instantiated, an appropriate error is issued.

For a type nn, there is thus a type testing predicate nn_si/1 with the only error condition

a) If there is a θ and σ such that nn_si(Xθ) is true and nn_si(Xσ) is false

atom_si(A) :-
   functor(A, _, 0),    % for the instantiation error

integer_si(I) :-
   functor(I, _, 0),

atomic_si(AC) :-

list_si(L) :-
   \+ \+ length(L, _),  % for silent failure
   sort(L, _).          % for the instantiation error

This is available as library(si) in Scryer.

In SWI, due to its differing behavior in length/2, use rather:

list_si(L) :-
    '$skip_list'(_, L, T),
    T == [].
like image 113
false Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09
