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-Dmaven.multiModuleProjectDirectory system propery is not set. Check $M2_HOME environment variable and mvn script match [duplicate]


I tried to replace maven 3.1.1 with maven 3.3.1. After replacing all paths and M2_HOMe to new address, i have ran the build in my Idea IDE and got the subj message.

Unfortunately, can't get what is the problem of the build and why it is no longer working with new maven

like image 942
Ilya Yevlampiev Avatar asked Mar 19 '15 19:03

Ilya Yevlampiev

People also ask

How do I set my m2 at home?

Set M2_HOME & PATHCreate an environment variable named M2_HOME which refers to directory where maven was untarred/ unzipped. and then add this variable to PATH environment variable. $>export PATH=$M2_HOME/bin:$PATH. Click OK, then Edit the 'Path' user variable to add M2_HOME\bin folder in it.

Can I use maven without setting the environment variable?

So you can just add the maven bin path to it. No need to add any system variable at all.

1 Answers

It is a know bug in IntelliJ https://youtrack.jetbrains.com/issue/IDEA-137783

Just update Intellij and it will work :)

like image 66
Diego Plentz Avatar answered Sep 16 '22 11:09

Diego Plentz