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Safe cross platform coroutines

All coroutine implementations I've encountered use assembly or inspect the contents of jmp_buf. The problem with this is it inherently not cross platform.

I think the following implementation doesn't go off into undefined behavior or rely on implementation details. But I've never encountered a coroutine written like this.

Is there some inherent flaw is using long jump with threads?
Is there some hidden gotcha in this code?

#include <setjmp.h>
#include <thread>

class Coroutine
   Coroutine( void ) :
      m_done( false ),
      m_thread( [&](){ this->start(); } )
   { }

   ~Coroutine( void )
      std::lock_guard<std::mutex> lock( m_mutex );

      m_done = true;


   void start( void )
      if( setjmp( m_resume ) == 0 )
         std::unique_lock<std::mutex> lock( m_mutex );
         m_condition.wait( lock, [&](){ return m_done; } );
         longjmp( m_yield, 1 );

   void resume( void )
      if( setjmp( m_yield ) == 0 )
         longjmp( m_resume, 1 );

   void yield( void )
      if( setjmp( m_resume ) == 0 )
         longjmp( m_yield, 1 );

   virtual void routine( void ) = 0;

   jmp_buf m_resume;
   jmp_buf m_yield;

   bool m_done;
   std::mutex m_mutex;
   std::condition_variable m_condition;
   std::thread m_thread;
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deft_code Avatar asked Nov 01 '11 23:11


4 Answers

UPDATE 2013-05-13 These days there is Boost Coroutine (built on Boost Context, which is not implemented on all target platforms yet, but likely to be supported on all major platforms sooner rather than later).

I don't know whether stackless coroutines fit the bill for your intended use, but I suggest you have a look at them here:

Boost Asio: The Proactor Design Pattern: Concurrency Without Threads

Asio also has a co-procedure 'emulation' model based on a single (IIRC) simple preprocessor macro, combined with some amount of cunningly designed template facilities that come things eerily close to compiler support for _stack-less co procedures.

The sample HTTP Server 4 is an example of the technique.

The author of Boost Asio (Kohlhoff) explains the mechanism and the sample on his Blog here: A potted guide to stackless coroutines

Be sure to look for the other posts in that series!

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sehe Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 15:11


There is a C++ standard proposal for coroutine support - N3708 which is written by Oliver Kowalke (who is an author of Boost.Coroutine) and Goodspeed.

I suppose this would be the ultimate clean solution eventually (if it happens…) Because we don't have stack exchange support from C++ compiler, coroutines currently need low level (usually assembly level, or setjmp/longjmp) hack, and that's out of abstraction range of C++. Then the implementations are fragile, and need help from compiler to be robust.

For example, it's really hard to set stack size of a coroutine context, and if you overflow the stack, your program will be corrupted silently. Or crash if you're lucky. Segmented stack seems can help this, but again, this needs compiler level support.

If once it becomes standard, compiler writers will take care. But before that day, Boost.Coroutine would be the only practical solution in C++ to me.

In C, there's libtask written by Russ Cox (who is a member of Go team). libtask works pretty well, but doesn't seem to be maintained anymore.

P.S. If someone know how to support standard proposal, please let me know. I really support this proposal.

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eonil Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 16:11


There is no generalized cross-platform way of implementing co-routines. Although some implementations can fudge co-routines using setjmp/longjmp, such practices are not standards-compliant. If routine1 uses setjmp() to create jmp_buf1, and then calls routine2() which uses setjmp() to create jmp_buf2, any longjmp() to jmp_buf1 will invalidate jmp_buf2 (if it hasn't been invalidated already).

I've done my share of co-routine implementations on a wide variety of CPUs; I've always used at least some assembly code. It often doesn't take much (e.g. four instructions for a task-switch on the 8x51) but using assembly code can help ensure that a compiler won't apply creative optimizations that would break everything.

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supercat Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 16:11


I don't believe you can fully implement co-routines with long jump. Co-routines are natively supported in WinAPI, they are called fibers. See for example, CreateFiber(). I don't think other operating systems have native co-routine support. If you look at SystemC library, for which co-routines are central part, they are implemented in assembly for each supported platform, except Windows. GBL library also uses co-routines for event-driven simulation based on Windows fibers. It's very easy to make hard to debug errors trying to implement co-routines and event-driven design, so I suggest using existing libraries, which are already thoroughly tested and have higher level abstractions to deal with this concept.

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Gene Bushuyev Avatar answered Nov 03 '22 16:11

Gene Bushuyev