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S3 static hosting - path without index.html [duplicate]

We have multiple Angular projects which we like to quickly upload to s3 for QA & testing. We upload all of them to the same bucket, in different subfolders. So the s3 bucket structure is as following:

 -- tests-bucket
    -- project1
       -- index.html
    -- project2
       -- index.html

We then have a cloud front distribution and route53 setup e.g. tests.domain.com.

When accessing the projects via the full path everything works:


However, when we try accessing the project without index.html (tests.domain.com/project1 or tests.domain.com/project1/) we get the following error:

<Message>The specified key does not exist.</Message>

This makes it hard for us to test, since after the initial page load, the index.html is automatically removed and any additional reload will lead to a 404 error.

The bucket is set to serve website static hosting and both index and error documents point to index.html.

The CloudFront distribution is also set to have a 404 error path redirect to index.html.

It seems as this setup only works for the root path of the bucket tests.domain.com/index.html but does not support subdirectories.

This AWS article makes it seems possible, but in our case, it does not work with an SPA/Angular application.

From a quick research into this, I found this tutorial which resolves this issue using a Lamda Edge redirect, but the setup seems a bit overkill, plus only seems to support the US East distribution.

Is there any simple configuration that can resolve this, using only s3/cloudfront/route53 which does not involve lambda functions?

like image 642
dev7 Avatar asked Feb 03 '23 23:02


1 Answers

2022 EDIT:

You can now accomplish this logic by setting the CloudFront Default Root Object (as defined here) instead of applying the below answer. The below answer continues to work if for whatever reason the easier option does not.

Original Answer:

Yes, you can configure this using the "index-document" property when you're enabling website hosting in your bucket. Check out the CLI documentation here: https://docs.aws.amazon.com/cli/latest/reference/s3/website.html

When you enable this functionality, it will be enabled on every path that doesn't end in a file. So requesting "/project1/" would return "/project1/index.html" if you set your index-document property to "index.html"

More documentation:



When using Cloudfront, the default root object behavior in cloudfront will override the index-document usage from S3. To get around this behavior, don't use a S3 origin, and instead use a custom origin and pass through your S3 bucket URL as the origin domain name.


https://docs.aws.amazon.com/AmazonCloudFront/latest/DeveloperGuide/DefaultRootObject.html (specifically, "However, if you define a default root object, an end-user request for a subdirectory of your distribution does not return the default root object. For example, suppose index.html is your default root object and that CloudFront receives an end-user request for the install directory under your CloudFront distribution")

like image 106
Patrick Avatar answered Feb 06 '23 12:02
