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rxtxSerial.dll for MacOS 10.8

I'm currently working on a ZigBee project and I'm programming on an Mac with Mountain Lion (10.8) and using Eclipse IDE. To use my Zigbee Module via USB for Serial communication, I need this rxtxSerial.dll. I only have a Windows compatible version right now.

Is somebody able to provide the necessary link to me?

Thank you!

like image 813
tellob Avatar asked Oct 30 '12 13:10


1 Answers


With all the latest updates as of 2012-11-15 (OSX 10.8.2) i needed to install glibtool via homebrew (http://mxcl.github.com/homebrew/) before I got the procedure below to work.

With homebrew installed and configured just do

brew install libtool

from a terminal. Then proceed as described below.



So, I managed to compile it for my self on OS X Mountain Lion (10.8.2) and XCode (free from App Store).

Download rxtx-2.2pre2.zip and extract. Edit the "configure" file in the extracted directory and change the line that reads:




Then configure by doing


using a terminal in your working directory.

Now you will have a file named "Makefile" in your working directory, you need to edit the line in this file that reads:




And then run


You will now have RXTXcomm.jar in your working directory and librxtxSerial.jnilib in workingdirectory/i386-apple-darwin12.2.0

These are the files you need.

To work with them you may need to do

sudo mkdir /var/lock

sudo chmod 777 /var/lock

This approach worked for me.

PS. If you trust me you can get these files from here and here.

PPS. You may get:

WARNING: RXTX Version mismatch Jar version = RXTX-2.2-20081207 Cloudhopper Build rxtx.cloudhopper.net native lib Version = RXTX-2.2pre2

But it should still work.


I am also trying to use rxtx on ML and while I have not have any success yet I did find this link. Java 6 and librxtxSerial.jnilib on Intel Mac OS X And even though it says nothing about ML, one of the comments states that it works with Lion if you tweak it a little bit.

I'll report back if I get it to work here.

like image 82
evading Avatar answered Sep 28 '22 03:09
