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RXJS - SwitchMap or SwitchMapTo for resetting timer

So I am new to RXJS. What I am trying to do is setup a session expiration timer, and when a user receives a modal prompt that their session is about to expire, if they click Continue, the timer is reset.

I've been reading on switchMap and switchMapTo, but the examples I find use some kind of click event or mouse move event. My situation is, I don't want to refresh on a button click since I am validating a JWT. Upon successful validation of the JWT, I will then refresh the timer.

I have a common library for users that sets up the timer like this:

private tick: Subscription;
public tokenExpirationTime: Subject<number>;

  setupExpirationTimer():void {
    // Start the timer based on the expiration
    var expirationSeconds = this.expiration * 60;
    this.tick = Observable.timer(0, 1000).map(i => expirationSeconds - i).subscribe(x => {
      // Set the seconds in the user object
      console.log("TIMER: " + x);

Elsewhere in my code, I subscribe to the tokenExpirationTime (which is how I know what the current time is on the timer so I know when to show my popup).


this.user.tokenExpirationTime.subscribe(x => { ... });

I could be doing this all incorrectly, as I am new to this. I hope my explanation is clear, but let me know if not. Thank you for the help!

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Rob Fleischmann Avatar asked Jan 29 '23 23:01

Rob Fleischmann

1 Answers


timer(0, 1000).pipe(
  // … all the other stuff …


// Whenever reset$ emits…
  // (but we emit once initially to get the timer going)
  startWith(undefined as void),
  // … start a new timer
  switchMap(() => timer(0, 1000)),
  // … all the other stuff …


private reset$ = new Subject<void>();

Then you can add a function like

public resetTimer() {
like image 166
Ingo Bürk Avatar answered Feb 05 '23 17:02

Ingo Bürk