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Rust (VSCode) Error: spawnSync undefined ENOENT

I'm getting this error:

Error: spawnSync undefined ENOENT

Always, when I save the file in VSCode, but it turns out that compiles fine.

How I can fix this behavior?

I read this: How do I debug "Error: spawn ENOENT" on node.js? but I do not know if this related.

like image 934
Angel Angel Avatar asked Mar 31 '16 21:03

Angel Angel

1 Answers

I solved this by uninstalling the extra plugin rust_fmt besides rusty_code because of which vscode spawning new process every time on save. Also enabled fmt from vscode settings as below.

 "rust.formatOnSave": true,
 "rust.checkOnSave": true
like image 80
Karthik Cherukuri Avatar answered Oct 19 '22 23:10

Karthik Cherukuri