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Russian symbols in re (Python)

I get a data from a file:

words = re.findall(r'[\w]+',self._from.encode('utf8'),re.U)

If the file contains:

Hi, how are you?

Then result will be:

['Hi', 'how', 'are', 'you']

But if the file contains russian language (i.e. cyrillic symbols), then:

Привет, как дела?

In this case the result is:

['\xd0', '\xd1', '\xd0', '\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1', '\xd0\xba\xd0', '\xd0\xba', '\xd0', '\xd0\xb5\xd0', '\xd0']

why? wtf? I've already added:


I'm using python2.7 and linux ubuntu.


words = re.findall(r'[\w]+',self._from.decode('utf8'),re.U)
print u" ".join(words)
like image 644
Queen johniek Avatar asked Mar 16 '13 10:03

Queen johniek

People also ask

Does Python support Cyrillic?

Python 2 uses str type to store bytes and unicode type to store unicode code points. All strings by default are str type — which is bytes~ And Default encoding is ASCII. So if an incoming file is Cyrillic characters, Python 2 might fail because ASCII will not be able to handle those Cyrillic Characters.

What is \W in Python re?

\w -- (lowercase w) matches a "word" character: a letter or digit or underbar [a-zA-Z0-9_]. Note that although "word" is the mnemonic for this, it only matches a single word char, not a whole word. \W (upper case W) matches any non-word character. \b -- boundary between word and non-word.

How do you write Re in Python?

Python has a module named re to work with RegEx. Here's an example: import re pattern = '^a...s$' test_string = 'abyss' result = re. match(pattern, test_string) if result: print("Search successful.") else: print("Search unsuccessful.")

2 Answers

To use \w+ to match alphanumeric unicode characters you should pass both a unicode pattern and unicode text to re.findall.

  • In Python2:

    Assuming that you are reading bytes (not text) from the file, you should decode the bytes to obtain a unicode:

    uni = 'Привет, как дела?'.decode('utf-8')

    ur'(?u)\w+' is a raw unicode literal. Even though it is not necessary here, using raw unicode/string literals for regex patterns is generally a good practice -- it allows you to avoid the need for double backslashes before certain characters such as \s.

    The regex pattern ur'(?u)\w+' bakes-in the Unicode flag which tells re.findall to make \w dependent on the Unicode character properties database.

    import re
    uni = 'Привет, как дела?'.decode('utf-8')
    print(re.findall(ur'(?u)\w+', uni))

    yields a list containing the 3 unicode "words":

  • In Python3:

    The general principle is the same, except that what were unicodes in Python2 are now strs in Python3, and there is no longer any attempt at automatic conversion between the two. So, again assuming that you are reading bytes (not text) from the file, you should decode the bytes to obtain a str, and use a str regex pattern:

    import re
    uni = b'\xd0\x9f\xd1\x80\xd0\xb8\xd0\xb2\xd0\xb5\xd1\x82, \xd0\xba\xd0\xb0\xd0\xba \xd0\xb4\xd0\xb5\xd0\xbb\xd0\xb0?'.decode('utf')
    print(re.findall(r'(?u)\w+', uni))


    ['Привет', 'как', 'дела']
like image 182
unutbu Avatar answered Sep 17 '22 20:09


My solution:

txt = re.findall(r'[А-я]+', data)

А-я - Russian alphabet letters

like image 41
Dmitry Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 20:09
