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RuntimeException The Zip PHP extension is not installed

I'm a newbie in Linux I just installed composer and laravel...

but when i run the laravel new project i get the following error:

The Zip PHP extension is not installed. Please install it and try again.

I don't know how to install that extension...

please help

like image 534
Amjad Avatar asked Apr 08 '16 23:04


People also ask

How do I fix PHP zip extension is not loaded?

This error indicates an incompatibility with PHP on your server and the latest update to Elementor. To solve it, please ensure the PHP version is 7.4 or 7.5 (not 7.3 or 8) on your server. Additionally, ensure the zip extension for PHP is installed.

How do I install a zip file extension?

Install Chrome extension from file Vision RPA Selenium IDE. In the case of Kantu, you can get the older version directly from the archive. So the process starts with the Chrome extension as ZIP archive. Step 2: Select "Load Unpacked" (extension) and point it to the extension folder - and you are done!

What is PHP zip extension?

The PHP Zip files functions are used to stores the bunch of files or directory together in the compressed. The Zip is the archive file format that is used to stores the files in compressed form.

How can I tell if PHP zip is enabled?

You will know that the ZipArchive class is not enabled if you cannot see: “Zip” configuration “enabled”. You can also check whether the Zip module is enabled using the CLI. Show compiled in modules using: php -m. Or you can use “php -m” to show the PHP information in the CLI.

1 Answers

Try type into the command line:

sudo apt-get install php7.0-zip

Verify from any route with:


This worked for me, good luck.

like image 173
Devin Norgarb Avatar answered Oct 05 '22 21:10

Devin Norgarb