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RuntimeError: The init_func must return a sequence of Artist objects

I am trying to test a Matplotlib animation example on my jupyter notebook which is listed as following:

from matplotlib import animation
# solve the ode problem of the double compound pendulum again

from scipy.integrate import odeint
from numpy import cos, sin

g = 9.82; L = 0.5; m = 0.1

def dx(x, t):
    x1, x2, x3, x4 = x[0], x[1], x[2], x[3]

    dx1 = 6.0/(m*L**2) * (2 * x3 - 3 * cos(x1-x2) * x4)/(16 - 9 * cos(x1-x2)**2)
    dx2 = 6.0/(m*L**2) * (8 * x4 - 3 * cos(x1-x2) * x3)/(16 - 9 * cos(x1-x2)**2)
    dx3 = -0.5 * m * L**2 * ( dx1 * dx2 * sin(x1-x2) + 3 * (g/L) * sin(x1))
    dx4 = -0.5 * m * L**2 * (-dx1 * dx2 * sin(x1-x2) + (g/L) * sin(x2))
    return [dx1, dx2, dx3, dx4]

x0 = [np.pi/2, np.pi/2, 0, 0]  # initial state
t = np.linspace(0, 10, 250) # time coordinates
x = odeint(dx, x0, t)    # solve the ODE problem

fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(5,5))

ax.set_ylim([-1.5, 0.5])
ax.set_xlim([1, -1])

pendulum1, = ax.plot([], [], color="red", lw=2)
pendulum2, = ax.plot([], [], color="blue", lw=2)

def init():
    pendulum1.set_data([], [])
    pendulum2.set_data([], [])

def update(n): 
    # n = frame counter
    # calculate the positions of the pendulums
    x1 = + L * sin(x[n, 0])
    y1 = - L * cos(x[n, 0])
    x2 = x1 + L * sin(x[n, 1])
    y2 = y1 - L * cos(x[n, 1])

    # update the line data
    pendulum1.set_data([0 ,x1], [0 ,y1])
    pendulum2.set_data([x1,x2], [y1,y2])

anim = animation.FuncAnimation(fig, update, init_func=init, frames=len(t), blit=True)

# anim.save can be called in a few different ways, some which might or might not work
# on different platforms and with different versions of matplotlib and video encoders
#anim.save('animation.mp4', fps=20, extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264'], writer=animation.FFMpegWriter())
#anim.save('animation.mp4', fps=20, extra_args=['-vcodec', 'libx264'])
#anim.save('animation.mp4', fps=20, writer="ffmpeg", codec="libx264")
anim.save('animation.mp4', fps=20, writer="avconv", codec="libx264")


However, when I run the cell in notebook it gives me this error:

RuntimeError: The init_func must return a sequence of Artist objects.

I am not quite sure what is going on.. I don't see anything wrong in the init function.

The link to this example: https://github.com/jrjohansson/scientific-python-lectures/blob/master/Lecture-4-Matplotlib.ipynb It is at the very bottom of this notebook.

like image 964
Yatong Avatar asked Jul 13 '17 22:07


1 Answers

As the error suggests, and as can be seen e.g. in the simple_animation example, but also from the FuncAnimation documentation, the init_func as well as the updating func are supposed to return an iterable of artists to animate.

The documentation does not say that this is actually only needed when using blit=True, but since you are using blitting here, it is definitely needed.

What you would therefore need to do is to let the init function as well as the update function return the two lines which get animated

def init():
    pendulum1.set_data([], [])
    pendulum2.set_data([], [])
    return pendulum1, pendulum2, 

def update(n): 
    # n = frame counter
    # calculate the positions of the pendulums
    x1 = + L * sin(x[n, 0])
    y1 = - L * cos(x[n, 0])
    x2 = x1 + L * sin(x[n, 1])
    y2 = y1 - L * cos(x[n, 1])

    # update the line data
    pendulum1.set_data([0 ,x1], [0 ,y1])
    pendulum2.set_data([x1,x2], [y1,y2])

    return pendulum1, pendulum2, 
like image 191
ImportanceOfBeingErnest Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 10:09
