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Running variable string as command in batch scripting [closed]

EDIT: There was nothing wrong with the code below. The error was coming from elsewhere.

The command variable is the command I want to execute. The name variable is pulling a list of computer names. When I echo !command! it returns the value I want to use. That should run the command needed to delete all of the machines, however, when I actually run !command! or %command%, the name variable isn't added and it fails.

cd "Program Files\admin"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
SET string=%
for /f "tokens=*" %%a in (oldMachines.txt) do (
set name=%%a
set command=sbadmcl.exe AdminUser:admin -AdminPwd:password -Command:DeleteMachine -Machine:!name!
REM echo !name!
REM echo !command!
REM !command!
like image 860
spassen Avatar asked Jul 27 '12 15:07


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1 Answers

%command% will not work because it is expanded at parse time, so the expanded value is the value of command prior to the loop executing.

I don't know why !command! does not work. Normally you want to use normal expansion instead of delayed expansion when executing code in a variable because delayed expansion limits some of the operations you can do. It has to do with how the CMD parser works. But I don't see anything in your command that should cause problems with delayed expansion.

Try call %%command%%

like image 114
dbenham Avatar answered Nov 02 '22 21:11
