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Replace with wildcard, in SQL

I know MS T-SQL does not support regular expression, but I need similar functionality. Here's what I'm trying to do:

I have a varchar table field which stores a breadcrumb, like this:


Each Category name is preceded by its Category ID, separated by a colon. I'd like to select and display these breadcrumbs but I want to remove the Category IDs and colons, like this:


Everything between the leading slash (/) up to and including the colon (:) should be stripped out.

I don't have the option of extracting the data, manipulating it externally, and re-inserting back into the table; so I'm trying to accomplish this in a SELECT statement.

I also can't resort to using a cursor to loop through each row and clean each field with a nested loop, due to the number of rows returned in the SELECT.

Can this be done?

Thanks all - Jay

like image 895
Jay Avatar asked Apr 29 '10 21:04


People also ask

Can you use wildcard in replace SQL?

The REPLACE built-in function does not support patterns or wildcards; only LIKE and PATINDEX do. Assuming that you really just want the simple single-character replacement as shown in the question, then you can call REPLACE twice, one nested in the other, as follows: SELECT REPLACE( REPLACE('A B x 3 y Z x 943 yy!

Is * a wildcard in SQL?

To broaden the selections of a structured query language (SQL-SELECT) statement, two wildcard characters, the percent sign (%) and the underscore (_), can be used. The percent sign is analogous to the asterisk (*) wildcard character used with MS-DOS.

What does replace () do in SQL?

SQL Server REPLACE() Function The REPLACE() function replaces all occurrences of a substring within a string, with a new substring. Note: The search is case-insensitive. Tip: Also look at the STUFF() function.

Can you use RegEx in SQL replace?

Yes, the results in the result pane can quickly be turned into HTML or SQL Insertion code using a RegEx search and replace, though this is often easiest done in a more specialised programmers' text editor.

1 Answers

I think your best bet is going to be to use a recursive user-defined function (UDF). I've included some code here that you can use to pass in a string to achieve the results you're looking for.

CREATE FUNCTION ufn_StripIDsFromBreadcrumb (@cIndex int, @breadcrumb varchar(max), @theString varchar(max))

RETURNS varchar(max)


DECLARE @nextColon int
DECLARE @nextSlash int

SET @nextColon = CHARINDEX(':', @theString, @cIndex)
SET @nextSlash = CHARINDEX('/', @theString, @nextColon)
SET @breadcrumb = @breadcrumb + SUBSTRING(@theString, @nextColon + 1, @nextSlash - @nextColon)

IF @nextSlash != LEN(@theString)

     exec @breadcrumb = ufn_StripIDsFromBreadcrumb @cIndex =  @nextSlash, @breadcrumb = @breadcrumb, @theString = @theString
RETURN @breadcrumb

You could then execute it with:

DECLARE @myString varchar(max)
EXEC @myString = ufn_StripIDsFromBreadcrumb 1, '/', '/ID1:Category1/ID2:Category2/ID3:Category3/'
PRINT @myString
like image 156
Maashu Avatar answered Oct 22 '22 00:10
