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Running unit tests on nested functions

I come from the Java world, where you can hide variables and functions and then run unit tests against them using reflection. I have used nested functions to hide implementation details of my classes so that only the public API is visible. I am trying to write unit tests against these nested functions to make sure that I don't break them as I develop. I have tried calling one of the nested functions like:

def outer():
    def inner():


which results in the error message:

AttributeError: 'function' object has no attribute 'inner'

Is there a way for me to write unit tests against these nested functions? If not, is there a way to trigger the name munging for function names like you can for class variables by prefixing them with __?

like image 291
Chris Lieb Avatar asked Nov 28 '08 23:11

Chris Lieb

2 Answers

I have written a small helper module which allows exactly this:

Examples of nested functions:

def f(v1):
  v2 = 1
  def g(v3=2):
    return v1 + v2 + v3 + 4
  def h():
    return 16
  return g() + h() + 32

class C(object):
  def foo(self):
    def k(x):
      return [ self, x ]
    return k(3)

def m():
  vm = 1
  def n(an=2):
    vn = 4
    def o(ao=8):
      vo = 16
      return vm + an + vn + ao + vo
    return o()
  return n()

These can be unit tested using this kind of code:

import unittest
from nested import nested

class TestNested(unittest.TestCase):
  def runTest(self):
    nestedG = nested(f, 'g', v1=8, v2=1)
    self.assertEqual(nestedG(2), 15)
    nestedH = nested(f, 'h')
    self.assertEqual(nestedH(), 16)
    nestedK = nested(C.foo, 'k', self='mock')
    self.assertEqual(nestedK(5), [ 'mock', 5 ])
    nestedN = nested(m, 'n', vm=1)
    nestedO = nested(nestedN, 'o', vm=1, an=2, vn=4)
    self.assertEqual(nestedO(8), 31)

def main(argv):

if __name__ == '__main__':
  import sys

The small helper module nested looks like this:

import types

def freeVar(val):
  def nested():
    return val
  return nested.__closure__[0]

def nested(outer, innerName, **freeVars):
  if isinstance(outer, (types.FunctionType, types.MethodType)):
    outer = outer.func_code
  for const in outer.co_consts:
    if isinstance(const, types.CodeType) and const.co_name == innerName:
      return types.FunctionType(const, globals(), None, None, tuple(
          freeVar(freeVars[name]) for name in const.co_freevars))
like image 195
Alfe Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 04:09


I don't think that there is any chance to access inner() from the extern namespace.

However, in my opinion the fact that you keep inner() nested implies that the only "contract" that really matters is outer()'s one. inner() is part of the implementation, and you shouldn't want to test the implementation. If you really want to test inner(), do extensive tests on outer() with data that will involve all the functionalities of inner().

like image 33
Federico A. Ramponi Avatar answered Sep 19 '22 04:09

Federico A. Ramponi