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running maven sonar:sonar on multiple branches of the same source project

We currently have multiple feature releases in perforce. Each of these branches has POM files that contain a version tag and name tag that is tied to that branch.

When we run sonar:sonar each branch scan overwrites another branch scan and you only see one at a time in the sonar gui.

Can a sonar project be tied to maven GroupId>ArtifactId>Version or even instead of just being Tied to the GroupId.

FYI, GroupId and ArtifactId do not change when we branch the POM.

like image 603
user3272389 Avatar asked Feb 04 '14 19:02


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1 Answers

I found your question while searching for a similar topic, and I noticed you had not received an answer. If you pass the -Dsonar.branch, each branch will be treated as a different project. As documented here:


Hope this helps.

like image 174
user3704176 Avatar answered Oct 16 '22 06:10
