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Running a python function as a bash command





There is a lot of literature on how to run shell commands from python, but I am interested in doing the opposite. I have a python module mycommands.py which contains functions like below

def command(arg1, arg2):

def command1(arg1, arg2, arg3):

where the function arguments are all strings. The objective is to be able to run these functions from bash like below

$ command arg1 arg2 
$ command1 arg1 arg2 arg3 

So far I have the following brute setup in .bash_profile where I have to provide bash bindings to each python function manually

function command() {
    python -c "import mycommand as m; out=m.command('$1', '$2'); print(out)"

function command1() {
    python -c "import mycommand as m; out=m.command1('$1', '$2', '$3'); print(out)"

It would be nice if one could have a single bash command like

$ import_python mycommands.py

which would automatically import all the python functions in the module as bash commands. Does there exist a library which implements such a command?

like image 632
D R Avatar asked Apr 19 '15 18:04


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Bash provides some built-in functions such as echo and read , but we can also create our own functions.

1 Answers

You can create a base script, let's say command.py and check with what name this script was called (don't forget to make it executable):

import os.path
import sys

def command1(*args):
    print 'Command1'
    print args

def command2(*args):
    print 'Command2'
    print args

commands = {
    'command1': command1,
    'command2': command2

if __name__ == '__main__':
    command = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
    if command in commands:

Then you can create soft links to this script:

ln -s command.py command1
ln -s command.py command2

and finally test it:

$ ./command1 hello

$ ./command2 world
like image 169
JuniorCompressor Avatar answered Oct 25 '22 17:10
