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Run-time exception when attempting to print a Unicode character




Char is the type for Unicode characters in Haskell, and String is simply [Char] (i.e. a list of Char items). Here is some simple code:

main = putStrLn "©" -- Unicode string

This code compiles fine, but I get the runtime exception when I run it in the PowerShel.exe or cmd.exe:

app.exe: : commitBuffer: invalid argument (invalid character)

Why does this happen? Weirdly enough, when I do the same in C#, I get no exception:


In .NET, chars are Unicode too. PowerShell or cmd prints c instead ©, but at least I get not exception. How can I get my Haskell executable to run smoothly?

like image 953
Andrey Bushman Avatar asked Dec 23 '14 08:12

Andrey Bushman

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1 Answers

On Windows, the fix is to tell the shell to use code page 65001 (instructions here), which puts Windows in "UTF-8 mode". It's not perfect, but for most characters you should see unicode characters handled much better.

like image 141
bheklilr Avatar answered Sep 21 '22 19:09
