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Run script using Browserify without build process first

I read through many articles on Browserify like http://javascriptplayground.com/blog/2013/11/backbone-browserify/ and there is always a step such as below:

$ browserify app/app.js | uglifyjs > app/bundle.js

This seems to be done before you run the script in the browser to see how it works. Is there a way NOT having to do build each time I change code? Something similar to define() function in requirejs...

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HP. Avatar asked Dec 10 '13 19:12


People also ask

How do I bundle with Browserify?

Bundle up your first module With Browserify you can write code that uses require in the same way that you would use it in Node. Browserify parses the AST for require() calls to traverse the entire dependency graph of your project. Drop a single <script> tag into your html and you're done!

Is Browserify a dev dependency?

We can also include browserify itself as a dependency, however it isn't a dependency for the project to run – any user to our app can find Superman without needing to run Browserify. It is one of our devDependencies – modules required for developers to make updates to this app.

2 Answers

It's 2015 now and there's a library for this, it's called drq. It uses internally sync xhr requests, so it's only well suited for development purposes. You just have to include it:

<script src="drq.js"></script>

And then, you can do your require calls in any script of the page:


var myModule = require('my-module'),
    myClass = require('./classes/my-class.js');

// etc.


It will look for node modules up to your web root, so be sure to npm install them at a directory not upper than it. Also, please take a look at the GitHub page where you can find some tips to increase performance.

Again, please remember that bundles are the optimal solution for production.

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Manuel Valls Fernández Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 17:10

Manuel Valls Fernández

I originally said you can't do this for the reasons below, but I want to add that where there is a will there is a way. I'm sure given enough time and effort, you (or someone) could (and probably will) come up with a way to accomplish this task - but as of right now (12/12/13), I don't know if there's any out of the box tools that will facilitate it.

  1. browserify "modules" are written using the same concept as node.js modules. You write your code, and export any public methods/properties/etc via a module.exports object. Javascript in the browser doesn't support this sort of thing natively. There are some boilerplate templates (some info here) to help facilitate this in the browser, and they can be compatible with browserify, but...

  2. When you browserify your code, the browserify script analyzes your syntax and finds the modules that it has to make available via the require method. This require method gets defined right in your bundle.js that you export, along with all the code for all the dependencies that your module needs. This allows the require method that browserify defines to work synchronously, returning a reference to the module that you requested immediately without waiting for any kind of web response (like, loading a js script).

Require.js works fundamentally differently than browserify. Require.js defines your packages using the define syntax you referenced, and exposes a require method which you use to tell Require.js which modules your code depends on. Require.js then, in turn, looks up the dependencies you require and if it hasn't loaded them for another module yet, generates a new script tag and forces your browser to load that module, waiting to execute your code until that is complete. This is an asynchronous process, which means, the javascript engine continues to process instructions while it waits for the new script to download, parse, and execute. Require.js wraps all of this up in some callbacks, so it can wait until all your dependencies are satisfied, before allowing your defined code to execute (which is why you pass functions to require and define, so require.js can execute them when it's ready).

The biggest reason to not want to bundle every time you make a change in development, is just for speed of iteration. Some things you can do (with browserify) to improve performance (that is, speed of bundling) are:

  • Don't uglify your code during development. You can just bundle it using browserify (make sure you use -d, for sourcemaps) without uglifying/minifying it, that should speed up the bundle performance a bit (for larger projects, anyway).
  • Split up your modules a little bit. Modules that don't have direct dependencies with one another don't have to be built at the same time. You can include different modules in your application using multiple script tags, or you can concatenate browserify bundles files together. You could absolutely set up some grunt tasks to watch your code for changes, and only compile the modules which contained the code change. This will cut out a lot of wasted cpu cycles, since browserify won't have to parse and transform multiple modules, just the ones that changed. From there you can re-concatenate into one big bundle, or just stick with the multiple bundle includes on the page.
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Jim Rubenstein Avatar answered Oct 13 '22 17:10

Jim Rubenstein