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Run Python Console via docker-compose on Pycharm

I'm having some problems running pycharm with a remote python interpreter via docker-compose. Everything works just great except Python console when I press the run button it just shows the following message:

"Error: Unable to locate container name for service "web" from docker-compose output"

I really can't understand why it keeps me showing that if my docker-compose.yml provides a web service.

Any help?



version: '2'  volumes:   dados:     driver: local   media:     driver: local   static:     driver: local  services:   beat:     build: Docker/beat     depends_on:        - web       - worker     restart: always     volumes:       - ./src:/app/src   db:     build: Docker/postgres     ports:       - 5433:5432     restart: always     volumes:       - dados:/var/lib/postgresql/data   jupyter:     build: Docker/jupyter     command: jupyter notebook     depends_on:        - web     ports:       - 8888:8888     volumes:       - ./src:/app/src   python:     build:       context: Docker/python       args:         REQUIREMENTS_ENV: 'dev'     image: helpdesk/python:3.6   redis:     image: redis:3.2.6     ports:       - 6379:6379     restart: always   web:     build:       context: .       dockerfile: Docker/web/Dockerfile     command: python manage.py runserver     depends_on:       - python       - db     ports:       - 8001:8000     restart: always     volumes:       - ./src:/app/src   worker:     build: Docker/worker     depends_on:        - web       - redis     restart: always     volumes:       - ./src:/app/src 


FROM python:3.6  # Set requirements environment ARG REQUIREMENTS_ENV ENV REQUIREMENTS_ENV ${REQUIREMENTS_ENV:-prod}  # Set PYTHONUNBUFFERED so the output is displayed in the Docker log ENV PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1  # Install apt-transport-https RUN apt-get update && \     DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y \         apt-transport-https  # Configure yarn repo RUN curl -sS https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/pubkey.gpg | apt-key add - RUN echo "deb https://dl.yarnpkg.com/debian/ stable main" | tee /etc/apt/sources.list.d/yarn.list  # Install APT dependencies RUN apt-get update && \     DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive apt-get install -y \         locales \         openssl \         yarn  # Set locale RUN locale-gen pt_BR.UTF-8 && \     localedef -i pt_BR -c -f UTF-8 -A /usr/share/locale/locale.alias pt_BR.UTF-8  ENV LANG pt_BR.UTF-8 ENV LANGUAGE pt_BR.UTF-8 ENV LC_ALL pt_BR.UTF-8  # Copy requirements files to the container RUN mkdir -p /tmp/requirements COPY requirements/requirements-common.txt \     requirements/requirements-$REQUIREMENTS_ENV.txt \     /tmp/requirements/  # Install requirements RUN pip install \     -i http://root:[email protected]:4040/root/pypi/+simple/ \     --trusted-host pypi.defensoria.to.gov.br \     -r /tmp/requirements/requirements-$REQUIREMENTS_ENV.txt  # Remove requirements temp folder RUN rm -rf /tmp/requirements 

This is the python image Dockerfile, the web Dockerfile just declares from this image and copies the source folder to the container.

like image 465
Victor Guimarães Nunes Avatar asked Feb 06 '17 18:02

Victor Guimarães Nunes

People also ask

Does Docker Compose use Python?

Using pip. Note: Docker Compose requires Python 3.6 or later.

1 Answers

I think that this is an dependency chain problem, web depends on python so, when the python container gets up, web one still not exists. That may cause the error.


like image 168
Pablo Martinez Avatar answered Oct 08 '22 18:10

Pablo Martinez