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Run grunt build command on Travis CI

People also ask

How do I run grunt locally?

Installing grunt-cli locally js method to get started with a project ( npm install && npm test ) then install grunt-cli locally with npm install grunt-cli --save-dev . Then add a script to your package. json to run the associated grunt command: "scripts": { "test": "grunt test" } .

Have you made sure to install grunt-cli globally on your Travis node?

My Travis CI config looks like:

language: node_js
  - "0.8"
before_install: npm install -g grunt-cli
install: npm install
before_script: grunt build

And my package.json:

    "scripts": {
        "test": "grunt test"

I will explain the flow of steps that Travis will execute:

  1. The first step to be executed is the before_install. My only prerequisite (besides node.js) is grunt-cli so I use this step to install it.
  2. Next is the install step, in my case this will simply install my npm modules
  3. The before script is then executed, running grunt build
  4. Lastly Travis will look for scripts in the package.json, there I indicated the test step should run grunt test

I'd like to note that this is my own opinion on how to configure Travis. I'm certainly not inclining you should use exactly the same approach.

You likely miss in your travis.yml file:

  - npm install -g grunt-cli

Then "grunt whatever" should execute ok (assuming you do require grunt in your devDependencies in your package.json).

(see http://www.mattgoldspink.co.uk/2013/02/10/using-travis-ci-with-grunt-0-4-x/)