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Ruby on Rails: provide vs content_for

I came across the view helper function "provide" today. By looking into its manual I am still confused on how it is different from "content_for".

provide(name, content = nil, &block)

The same as content_for but when used with streaming flushes straight back to the layout. In other words, if you want to concatenate several times to the same buffer when rendering a given template, you should use content_for, if not, use provide to tell the layout to stop looking for more contents.

Question 1: this is quite abstract to me - could anyone flesh it out by giving a demonstrative example?

Question 2: working with asset pipeline, which performs better and why?


like image 275
Bruce Avatar asked Jan 07 '15 07:01


People also ask

What is the difference between Content_for and yield in rails?

They are opposite ends of the rendering process, with yield specifying where content goes, and content_for specifying what the actual content is.

How can you tell Rails to render without a layout?

By default, if you use the :text option, the text is rendered without using the current layout. If you want Rails to put the text into the current layout, you need to add the layout: true option.

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Rails provides us great functionality for managing layouts in a web application. The layouts removes code duplication in view layer. You are able to slice all your application pages to blocks such as header, footer, sidebar, body and etc.

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Rails Guides describes partials this way: Partial templates - usually just called "partials" - are another device for breaking the rendering process into more manageable chunks. With a partial, you can move the code for rendering a particular piece of a response to its own file.

1 Answers

First of all, what is streaming? Why would you use it?

Streaming is alternate method of rendering pages top-down (outside-in). The default rendering behavior is inside-out. Streaming must be enabled in your controller:

class MyController   def action     render stream: true # Streaming enabled   end end 

According to the documentation:

Streaming may be considered to be overkill for lightweight actions like new or edit. The real benefit of streaming is on expensive actions that, for example, do a lot of queries on the database.

So, if you're not using streaming, is there still a difference?


The difference is a template can define multiple content blocks by calling content_for multiple times. Doing so will concatenate the blocks and pass that to the layout:

# layout.html.erb <div class="heading"><%= yield :surprise %></div> <div class="body">    <p><%= yield %></p>    <p>But it's not very interesting...</p> </div>  # template.html.erb <%= content_for :surprise, "Hello" %> I've got your content! <%= content_for :surprise, ", World!" %>  # Generated HTML <div class="heading">Hello, World!</div> <div class="body">    <p>I've got your content!</p>    <p>But it's not very interesting...</p> </div> 

Since provide doesn't continue searching the provided template, only the block passed to the first provide call will be sent to the template:

# layout.html.erb <div class="heading"><%= yield :title %></div>  # template.html.erb <%= provide :title, "Foo" %> <%= provide :title, "bar" %>  # Generated HTML <div class="heading">Foo</div> 
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rodamn Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 17:09
