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Ruby on Rails patterns - decorator vs presenter

People also ask

What is the difference between strategy pattern and decorator pattern?

The strategy pattern allows you to change the implementation of something used at runtime. The decorator pattern allows you augment (or add to) existing functionality with additional functionality at run time.

What is a presenter in Ruby?

A presenter is an object that sits between the model and view to encapsulate formatting and other complex view logic. Like glasses, presenters help give another perspective unintrusively.

What are decorators in Ruby on Rails?

Decorator is a structural pattern that allows adding new behaviors to objects dynamically by placing them inside special wrapper objects, called decorators. Using decorators you can wrap objects countless number of times since both target objects and decorators follow the same interface.

A decorator is more of a "let's add some functionality to this entity". A presenter is more of a "let's build a bridge between the model/backend and view". The presenter pattern has several interpretations.

Decorators are generic/general purpose. Presenters have a narrower range of responsibilities/uses. Decorators are used across domains, presenters are almost always related to view-like functionality.

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I suggest you to check this - Exhibit vs Presenter.

Decorator is a design pattern that is used to extend the functionality of a specific object by wrapping it, without effecting other instances of that object. In general, the decorator pattern is an example of the open/close principle (the class is closed for modifications, but available for extensions).

Both the exhibit and presenter patterns are a kind of the decorator pattern.