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Ruby on rails issue with Paperclip while uploading to s3

I have a record model and controller:

require 'open-uri'
class Record < ActiveRecord::Base

  has_attached_file :record,
                    :s3_protocol => :https,
                    :url => ':s3_domain_url',
                    :path => '/record/latest/:basename.:extension'

  has_attached_file :archive_record,
                    :s3_protocol => :https,
                    :url => ':s3_domain_url',
                    :path => '/record/archive/:basename.:extension'

class RecordsController < ApplicationController
  def upload_record
    @error = nil
    previous_record = Record.where(:is_archive => false).first
    @new_record = Record.new(record_params)
    if @new_record.save
      unless previous_record.blank?
        if create_archive(previous_record)
      @success = I18n.t('record.success.record_uploaded')
      @error = find_error(@new_record)

    respond_to do |format|
      format.js {
        render :layout => false

  def change_record
    previous_record = Record.where(:is_archive => false).first
    archive_record = Record.where(:id => params[:id]).first
    if create_archive(previous_record) && create_current(archive_record)


  def record_params
    params.require(:record).permit(:record_type, :record, :version, :release_date)

  def create_archive(previous_record)
    archive = Record.new
    archive.archive_record = URI.parse(previous_record.record.url)
    archive.version = previous_record.version
    archive.record_file_name = previous_record.record_file_name
    archive.record_content_type = previous_record.record_content_type
    archive.is_archive = true
    @archive_record_remote_url = previous_record.record.url
    archive.save(:validate => false)

  def create_current(archive_record)
    latest = Record.new
    latest.record = URI.parse(archive_record.archive_record.url)
    latest.version = archive_record.version
    latest.record_file_name = archive_record.record_file_name
    latest.record_content_type = archive_record.record_content_type
    latest.is_archive = false
    @archive_record_remote_url = archive_record.archive_record.url
    latest.save(:validate => false)

There are two attached files: the latest record and the archive.

The method upload_record uploads a record and checks that if there is any other record present in the latest record (latest record can only be one record and archive can have many). When there is an existing record in latest or we can say if there is a current record, the method create_archive is called which converts the latest record to an archive record and saves it into the archive folder in s3. The newly uploaded record becomes the current record.

There is a method change_record which is called when a 'make current' button on any of the archives is clicked. In the change_record method I turn the latest record into an archive and the clicked archive into the latest record using the two methods create_archive and create_current.

When I convert any record to an archive_record it is successfully doing it and I am able able to see the record is saved in /record/archive/ in S3 but when I convert the archive record to current record the record is not getting saved in /record/latest/ in S3.

Thank you for reading this long problem. Can someone help me out?

like image 646
user4965201 Avatar asked Sep 18 '15 10:09


1 Answers

I did some deep cloning of paperclip record in my project and too faced issues with URI.parse, I simply dumped existing paperclip record and it worked fine. Well in your case, this should work fine

def create_archive(previous_record)
  archive = Record.new
  archive.archive_record = previous_record.record
  archive.version = previous_record.version
  archive.is_archive = true
  @archive_record_remote_url = previous_record.record.url
  archive.save(:validate => false)

def create_current(archive_record)
  latest = Record.new
  latest.record = archive_record.archive_record
  latest.version = archive_record.version
  latest.is_archive = false
  @archive_record_remote_url = archive_record.archive_record.url
  latest.save(:validate => false)
like image 127
Chitrank Samaiya Avatar answered Sep 29 '22 13:09

Chitrank Samaiya