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Ruby on Rails: /bin/sh: rspec: command not found

I'm currently going through Michael Hartl's RoR tutorial and am stuck on Chapter 3 when trying to run Spork and Guard. When trying to run tests I get:

/bin/sh: rspec: command not found

Yes, I did look around for an answer but I don't see where the RubyTest.sublime.settings file is so I don't know how to edit it. Can anyone help me out on how to fix my error?

this is my Rubytest.sublime.settings file in my user fodler

  "erb_verify_command": "bundle exec erb -xT - {file_name} | ruby -c",
  "ruby_verify_command": "bundle exec ruby -c {file_name}",

  "run_ruby_unit_command": "bundle exec ruby -Itest {relative_path}",
  "run_single_ruby_unit_command": "bundle exec ruby -Itest {relative_path} -n     '{test_name}'",

  "run_cucumber_command": "bundle exec cucumber {relative_path}",
  "run_single_cucumber_command": "bundle exec cucumber {relative_path} -l{line_number}",

  "run_rspec_command": "bundle exec rspec {relative_path}",
  "run_single_rspec_command": "bundle exec rspec {relative_path} -l{line_number}",

  "ruby_unit_folder": "test",
  "ruby_cucumber_folder": "features",
  "ruby_rspec_folder": "spec",

  "ruby_use_scratch" : false,
  "save_on_run": false,
  "ignored_directories": [".git", "vendor", "tmp"],

  "hide_panel": false,

  "before_callback": "",
  "after_callback": ""
like image 529
bigpotato Avatar asked Sep 07 '12 20:09


2 Answers

Now the RubyTest package has a configuration option called "check_for_rvm" that is disabled by default.

You can edit your ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/RubyTest/RubyTest.sublime-settings file and set it to true. This worked for me without doing anything else.

Update: If you are using PackageControl you might need to reinstall the RubyTest package, instead of just updating it.

like image 170
Fer Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 23:10


The sublime plugin is trying to run the command rspec using shell /bin/sh. However, the command is not found because RVM is not loaded in the shell's environment.

As such, the folder where your rspec executable is located is not in the shell's search path (PATH environment variable). RVM installs any executable commands that come with gems to someplace like: "/home/your-user/.rvm/gems/ruby-1.9.3-p194@myproject/bin/" (actual path depending on your gemset, ruby version, and where your OS stores user home directories)

Simple Solution

As mentioned here... you might find that simply executing sublime from a shell environment containing RVM (ie: your project directory) may solve the PATH problem. However, this requires that you execute your text editor from the command line each time, and that the shell's environment is preserved.

cd ~/src/my-ruby-project
subl .

After much experimentation, I found a way to force the RubyTest plugin to execute rspec with the correct RVM-controlled environment (with bundler support).

With Bundler Support

Here's the contents of my ~/.config/sublime-text-2/Packages/RubyTest/RubyTest.sublime-settings file:

  "erb_verify_command": "~/.rvm/bin/rvm-auto-ruby $(~/.rvm/bin/rvm gemdir | sed -e 's/@.*//' -e 's/$/@global/' )/bin/bundle exec erb -xT - {file_name} | ~/.rvm/bin/rvm-auto-ruby -c",
  "ruby_verify_command": "~/.rvm/bin/rvm-auto-ruby -c {file_name}",

  "run_ruby_unit_command": "~/.rvm/bin/rvm-auto-ruby -Itest {relative_path}",
  "run_single_ruby_unit_command": "~/.rvm/bin/rvm-auto-ruby -Itest {relative_path} -n '{test_name}'",

  "run_cucumber_command": "~/.rvm/bin/rvm-auto-ruby $(~/.rvm/bin/rvm gemdir | sed -e 's/@.*//' -e 's/$/@global/' )/bin/bundle exec cucumber {relative_path}",
  "run_single_cucumber_command": "~/.rvm/bin/rvm-auto-ruby $(~/.rvm/bin/rvm gemdir | sed -e 's/@.*//' -e 's/$/@global/' )/bin/bundle exec cucumber {relative_path} -l{line_number}",

  "run_rspec_command": "~/.rvm/bin/rvm-auto-ruby $(~/.rvm/bin/rvm gemdir | sed -e 's/@.*//' -e 's/$/@global/' )/bin/bundle exec rspec {relative_path}",
  "run_single_rspec_command": "~/.rvm/bin/rvm-auto-ruby $(~/.rvm/bin/rvm gemdir | sed -e 's/@.*//' -e 's/$/@global/' )/bin/bundle exec rspec {relative_path} -l{line_number}",

  "ruby_unit_folder": "test",
  "ruby_cucumber_folder": "features",
  "ruby_rspec_folder": "spec",

  "ruby_use_scratch" : false,
  "save_on_run": false,
  "ignored_directories": [".git", "vendor", "tmp"],

  "hide_panel": false,

  "before_callback": "",
  "after_callback": ""

This should work as long as you've got bundler in your global gemset, and RVM installed to your home dir (adjust paths as needed if ~/.rvm does not evaluate correctly, or if bundler or rvm-auto-ruby is located somewhere else).

If you are using gemsets you should also add a line like the following to your project's .rvmrc file:

rvm use ruby-1.9.3-p327@your_project_gemset_name

Without Bundler Support

This assumes you have cucumber and rspec installed to the @global gemset of your current ruby:

  "erb_verify_command": "~/.rvm/bin/rvm-exec $(~/.rvm/bin/rvm current) 1>/dev/null erb -xT - {file_name} | ~/.rvm/bin/rvm-auto-ruby -c",
  "ruby_verify_command": "~/.rvm/bin/rvm-auto-ruby -c {file_name}",

  "run_ruby_unit_command": "~/.rvm/bin/rvm-auto-ruby -Itest {relative_path}",
  "run_single_ruby_unit_command": "~/.rvm/bin/rvm-auto-ruby -Itest {relative_path} -n '{test_name}'",

  "run_cucumber_command": "~/.rvm/bin/rvm-auto-ruby $(~/.rvm/bin/rvm gemdir | sed -e 's/@.*//' -e 's/$/@global/' )/bin/cucumber {relative_path}",
  "run_single_cucumber_command": "~/.rvm/bin/rvm-auto-ruby $(~/.rvm/bin/rvm gemdir | sed -e 's/@.*//' -e 's/$/@global/' )/bin/cucumber {relative_path} -l{line_number}",

  "run_rspec_command": "~/.rvm/bin/rvm-auto-ruby $(~/.rvm/bin/rvm gemdir | sed -e 's/@.*//' -e 's/$/@global/' )/bin/rspec {relative_path}",
  "run_single_rspec_command": "~/.rvm/bin/rvm-auto-ruby $(~/.rvm/bin/rvm gemdir | sed -e 's/@.*//' -e 's/$/@global/' )/bin/rspec {relative_path} -l{line_number}",

  "ruby_unit_folder": "test",
  "ruby_cucumber_folder": "features",
  "ruby_rspec_folder": "spec",

  "ruby_use_scratch" : false,
  "save_on_run": false,
  "ignored_directories": [".git", "vendor", "tmp"],

  "hide_panel": false,

  "before_callback": "",
  "after_callback": ""
like image 12
TrinitronX Avatar answered Oct 21 '22 23:10
