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Validate: Only letters, numbers and -

I would like to validate my users, so they can only use a-z and - in their username.

validates_format_of :username, :with => /[a-z]/

However this rule also allows spaces ._@

Username should use only letters, numbers, spaces, and .-_@ please.

Any ideas?

Best regards. Asbjørn Morell

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atmorell Avatar asked Jul 16 '09 07:07


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To check whether a String contains only unicode letters or digits in Java, we use the isLetterOrDigit() method and charAt() method with decision-making statements. The isLetterOrDigit(char ch) method determines whether the specific character (Unicode ch) is either a letter or a digit.

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You can use regular expressions to achieve this task. In order to verify that the string only contains letters, numbers, underscores and dashes, we can use the following regex: "^[A-Za-z0-9_-]*$".

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You can write a JavaScript form validation script to check whether the required field(s) in the HTML form contains only letters. To get a string contains only letters (both uppercase or lowercase) we use a regular expression (/^[A-Za-z]+$/) which allows only letters.

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Regex can be used to check a string for alphabets. String. matches() method is used to check whether or not the string matches the given regex.

1 Answers

More complex solution but reusable and with more fine grained error messaging.

Custom validator:


class UsernameConventionValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
  def validate_each(record, field, value)
    unless value.blank?
      record.errors[field] << "is not alphanumeric (letters, numbers, underscores or periods)" unless value =~ /^[[:alnum:]._-]+$/
      record.errors[field] << "should start with a letter" unless value[0] =~ /[A-Za-z]/
      record.errors[field] << "contains illegal characters" unless value.ascii_only?

(Notice it does allow ' . - _ ' and doesnt allow non ascii, for completeness sake)



validates :name,
    :presence => true,
    :uniqueness => true,
    :username_convention => true
like image 126
laffuste Avatar answered Oct 06 '22 00:10
