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Ruby loading config (yaml) file in same dir as source

in HOME/path_test/ I have:


require 'yaml' cnf = YAML::load(File.open('config.yml')) puts cnf['Hello'] 


Hello: world!!! 

when in HOME/path_test/ I get as expected:

-bash-3.2$ ruby load_test.rb  world!!! 

when in HOME/ (cd ..) I get

-bash-3.2$ ruby path_test/load_test.rb  path_test/load_test.rb:3:in `initialize': No such file or directory - config.yml     (Errno::ENOENT)     from path_test/load_test.rb:3:in `open'     from path_test/load_test.rb:3:in `<main>' 

Which is correct behavior, but not what I had wished for :)

Is there a way to load the .yml file relative to the source file, and not relative to the current working DIR??

Solution (load_Test.rb):

require 'yaml' fn = File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)) + '/config.yml' cnf = YAML::load(File.open(fn)) puts cnf['Hello'] 
like image 962
FelixHJ Avatar asked Jan 16 '12 10:01


1 Answers

You should get path of the current file by:

cnf = YAML::load_file(File.join(File.dirname(File.expand_path(__FILE__)), 'config.yml')) 


Since Ruby 2.0 you can simplify that and use:

cnf = YAML::load_file(File.join(__dir__, 'config.yml')) 
like image 182
Hauleth Avatar answered Oct 12 '22 00:10
