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Rstudio command history




I have been using Rstudio a great deal these days but recently noticed that my commands are not being stored in the history any longer. I don't know then this started, but it might have been with the install of the most recent version. Any ideas on what the issue may be?


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Btibert3 Avatar asked Apr 20 '11 13:04


People also ask

How do I get command history in R?

The command history() will recall the last 25 used commands, whereas history(max. show=Inf) will get back all previous ones. If you are using RStudio on top of your R distro, CTRL + UP will give you the list of all previous commands.

How do I find history of commands?

Check Command History With DoskeyLaunch the Command Prompt from the Start menu and type the following the pop-up window: “ doskey /history “ Press “Enter.” The commands you've executed in the active session will appear in the Command Prompt window.

What is the history tab in R?

The History tab allows you to see the commands that you have entered. You can save the output in the history window by clicking on the save button using a *. r extension on your file so that the file can be automatically opened in R.

How do you save a history file in R?

You can save the entire history of commands using the command savehistory(). By default, these commands are saved to the default file, ". Rhistory", but you can set your own. You can also load a saved history with loadhistory().

1 Answers

This is a bug that we introduced in v0.93.73 and fixed in v0.93.75. Please try updating to the latest version at http://www.rstudio.org/download/desktop/.

Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience!

like image 141
Joe Cheng Avatar answered Sep 23 '22 19:09

Joe Cheng