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rspec what is the difference between be nil and be_nil

I am using rspec and for asserts like

student.name should be nil
student.name should be_nil

Both seem to work. is there a difference between using be nil an be_nil ???

like image 868
Abid Avatar asked Jun 01 '12 20:06


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1 Answers

There is no difference really, except be nil gets defined on the fly, and be_nil has been specifically programmed by rspec.

when you say should.be something, rspec tries the following

   [:==, :<, :<=, :>=, :>, :===].each do |operator|
      define_method operator do |operand|
        BeComparedTo.new(operand, operator)

Whereas, when you try should.be_nil it just checks



like image 169
DVG Avatar answered Sep 27 '22 21:09