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rpc server in elisp / emacs




is there any thing for providing remote procedure call in emacs to the outside world ? is there anyone working on a bert, messagepack, thrift, even xml-rpc server in emacs ?

here is my work in progress using json to communicate with emacs. https://github.com/tinku99/elisp_rpc

i wonder if json-rpc is used for cross language work out of the box... it seems like the specification stops short of managing the connection... which seems like half the battle.

like image 911
Naveen Avatar asked Dec 28 '22 20:12


1 Answers

Elnode works as an HTTP server.

It shouldn't be too hard to build a handler that receives JSON or XML or whatever you like, unpacks it and does something interesting.

Elnode includes an example handler called "insideout" that publishes the buffer list of the emacs instance via http. If you browse to http://localhost:8028/ you get an HTML page that gives an itemized list of the active buffers.

Starting with that you could do something interesting I suppose. For example, you could build a handler that slurps in and emits json, using Edward O'Connor's json.el

like image 123
Cheeso Avatar answered Jan 04 '23 17:01
