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Routing redirecting to root

I am trying to route using Router.navigate method. I followed the instructions to the letter, but when I route via API, its reloading the root page.

In my RootComponent I am trying to use

this._router.navigate(['ABC', 'Page1']); which should redirect me to application/abc/xyz

But if I directly visit application/abc/xyz through my browser, it is working seamlessly


import {Component} from "angular2/core";
import {RouteConfig, ROUTER_DIRECTIVES, ROUTER_PROVIDERS} from "angular2/router";
import {RootComponent} from "./components/root.component";
import {Page1Component} from "./components/page1.component";

    selector: 'app',
    template: '<router-outlet></router-outlet>',
    directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES],
    providers: [

        path: '',
        name: 'Root',
        component: RootComponent,
        useAsDefault: true
        path: '/abc/...',
        name: 'ABC',
        component: ABCComponent

export class AppComponent {


    selector: 'abc',
    template: '<router-outlet></router-outlet>',
    directives: [ROUTER_DIRECTIVES]

        path: '/xyz',
        name: 'Page1',
        component: Page1Component
export class ABCComponent{

    constructor(private _router:Router){



import {Component} from "angular2/core";
import {Router} from "angular2/router";

    selector: 'page1',
    template: '<h1>Page1</h1>'

export class Page1Component{

    constructor(private _router:Router){

What am I doing wrong?


To explain it even simpler terms

                              Application (2 routes at root level)
                                  |                        |
           Default ("/") - Root Component              /abc/ ABC Component
                                                       /abc/xyz Page1 Component

What I am trying to do is, navigate to Page1 from Root Component.


After Reverse enineering from S.alem plunkr, here is the solution


like image 785
Abhijith Nagaraja Avatar asked Oct 19 '22 11:10

Abhijith Nagaraja

2 Answers

Try using the main router (router of the AppComponent). You can get it with such a method:

getMainRouter(router?: Router):Router {
  if (router.parent === null) {
    return router;
  return this.getMainRouter(router.parent);

So your RootComponent can be something like this:

// imports...

    selector: 'root',
    template: '<h1>Root Component</h1>'

export class RootComponent{

    private _mainRouter: Router;

    constructor(private _router:Router){
        this._mainRouter = this.getMainRouter(this._router);

    routeToSomewhere():void {
        this._mainRouter.navigate(['./ABC', 'Page1']);

    private getMainRouter(router?: Router):Router {
        if (router.parent === null) {
            return router;
        return this.getMainRouter(router.parent);

Here is a plunker to show. I forked the Hero Tutorial, but you can see the related codes if you fallow the route config of AppComponent. Launch the plunker on a separate window to see the browser url.

like image 104
s.alem Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 17:11


Actually router is following your configuration. You have configured 2 paths:

  • / - mapped to RootComponent
  • /abc/xyz - mapped to Page1Component This components are considered to be on the same level of hierarchy. So components replace each other during navigation.

You need to use child routers and non-terminal routes if you want to have nested components. Check this question.

like image 23
kemsky Avatar answered Nov 12 '22 17:11
