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Round corner for BottomSheetDialogFragment

People also ask

How do you make the bottom sheet round?

To make the Bottom Sheet with rounded corners, simply add the shape parameter inside the showModalBottomSheet function and assign the RoundedRectangleBorder() with the borderRadius property set to BorderRadius. vertical(top: Radius. circular(25.0),), .

How do you round corners of a linear layout?

It works on any view or layout and supports proper clipping. Here's What To Do: Create a rounded shape drawable and set it as your view's background: android:background="@drawable/round_outline" Clip to outline in code: setClipToOutline(true)

Create a custom drawable rounded_dialog.xml:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    <solid android:color="@android:color/white"/>
    <corners android:topLeftRadius="16dp"


Then override bottomSheetDialogTheme on styles.xml using the drawable as background:

<style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.AppCompat.Light.NoActionBar">       
    <item name="bottomSheetDialogTheme">@style/AppBottomSheetDialogTheme</item>

<style name="AppBottomSheetDialogTheme"
    <item name="bottomSheetStyle">@style/AppModalStyle</item>

<style name="AppModalStyle"
    <item name="android:background">@drawable/rounded_dialog</item>

This will change all the BottomSheetDialogs of your app.

With the new Material Component library you can customize the shape of your component using the shapeAppearanceOverlay attribute in your style (Note: it requires at least the version 1.1.0)

Just use the BottomSheetDialogFragment overriding the onCreateView method and then define your custom style for Bottom Sheet Dialogs.

Define the bottomSheetDialogTheme attribute in styles.xml in your app theme:

  <!-- Base application theme. -->
  <style name="AppTheme" parent="Theme.MaterialComponents.Light">
    <!-- Customize your theme here. -->
    <item name="colorPrimary">@color/colorPrimary</item>
    <item name="bottomSheetDialogTheme">@style/CustomBottomSheetDialog</item>

Then just define your favorite shape with shapeAppearanceOverlay

  <style name="CustomBottomSheetDialog" parent="@style/ThemeOverlay.MaterialComponents.BottomSheetDialog">
    <item name="bottomSheetStyle">@style/CustomBottomSheet</item>

  <style name="CustomBottomSheet" parent="Widget.MaterialComponents.BottomSheet">
    <item name="shapeAppearanceOverlay">@style/CustomShapeAppearanceBottomSheetDialog</item>

  <style name="CustomShapeAppearanceBottomSheetDialog" parent="">
    <item name="cornerFamily">rounded</item>
    <item name="cornerSizeTopRight">16dp</item>
    <item name="cornerSizeTopLeft">16dp</item>
    <item name="cornerSizeBottomRight">0dp</item>
    <item name="cornerSizeBottomLeft">0dp</item>

enter image description here

You can obtain the same behavior overriding this method in your BottomSheetDialogFragment (instead of adding the bottomSheetDialogTheme in your app theme):

@Override public int getTheme() {
    return R.style.CustomBottomSheetDialog;

In this case you are using this themeOverlay only in the single BottomSheetDialogFragment and not in all the app.

Important note about the EXPANDED STATE:

In the expanded state the BottomSheet has flat corners . You can check the official comment in github repo:

Our design team is strongly opinionated that rounded corners indicate scrollable content while flat corners indicate that there is no additional content. As such, they do no want us to add this change with fitToContents.

This behavior is provided by the BottomSheetBehavior and it is impossible to override it.
However there is a workaround -> DISCLAIMER: it can stop to work in the next releases !!

You can add a BottomSheetCallback in the BottomSheetDialogFragment:

  @NonNull @Override public Dialog onCreateDialog(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
    Dialog dialog = super.onCreateDialog(savedInstanceState);

    ((BottomSheetDialog)dialog).getBehavior().addBottomSheetCallback(new BottomSheetBehavior.BottomSheetCallback() {

      @Override public void onStateChanged(@NonNull View bottomSheet, int newState) {
        if (newState == BottomSheetBehavior.STATE_EXPANDED) {
          //In the EXPANDED STATE apply a new MaterialShapeDrawable with rounded cornes
          MaterialShapeDrawable newMaterialShapeDrawable = createMaterialShapeDrawable(bottomSheet);
          ViewCompat.setBackground(bottomSheet, newMaterialShapeDrawable);

      @Override public void onSlide(@NonNull View bottomSheet, float slideOffset) {


    return dialog;

  @NotNull private MaterialShapeDrawable createMaterialShapeDrawable(@NonNull View bottomSheet) {
    ShapeAppearanceModel shapeAppearanceModel =

      //Create a ShapeAppearanceModel with the same shapeAppearanceOverlay used in the style
      ShapeAppearanceModel.builder(getContext(), 0, R.style.CustomShapeAppearanceBottomSheetDialog)

      //Create a new MaterialShapeDrawable (you can't use the original MaterialShapeDrawable in the BottoSheet)
      MaterialShapeDrawable currentMaterialShapeDrawable = (MaterialShapeDrawable) bottomSheet.getBackground();
      MaterialShapeDrawable newMaterialShapeDrawable = new MaterialShapeDrawable((shapeAppearanceModel));
      //Copy the attributes in the new MaterialShapeDrawable
      return newMaterialShapeDrawable;

The BottomSheetDialog is setting a default white background color , this is why the corners are not visible, In order to show them you need to make the background of the dialog transparent by overriding the style of the BottomSheetDialog.

Define this style In your res/values/styles/styles.xml

<style name="BottomSheetDialog" parent="Theme.Design.Light.BottomSheetDialog">
    <item name="bottomSheetStyle">@style/bottomSheetStyleWrapper</item>

<style name="bottomSheetStyleWrapper" parent="Widget.Design.BottomSheet.Modal">
    <item name="android:background">@android:color/transparent</item>

And set this style to your BottomSheetDialog

View view = getLayoutInflater().inflate(R.layout.chooser_bottom_sheet, null);
BottomSheetDialog dialog = new BottomSheetDialog(this,R.style.BottomSheetDialog); // Style here

create a shape named rounded_corners_shape

<shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"
    <solid android:color="@color/white"/>


define a style

  <style name="AppBottomSheetDialogTheme"
        <item name="bottomSheetStyle">@style/AppModalStyle</item>

    <style name="AppModalStyle" parent="Widget.Design.BottomSheet.Modal">
        <item name="android:background">@drawable/rounded_corners_shape</item>

use this style on your custom BottomSheetDialogFragment like this, it will be work!

 public class CustomDialogFragment extends BottomSheetDialogFragment {
      public void onCreate(@Nullable Bundle savedInstanceState) {
        setStyle(STYLE_NORMAL, R.style. AppBottomSheetDialogTheme);


This worked for me.

Create a background drawable (e.g. named shape_rounded_dialog):

<shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android"

    <solid android:color="@color/color_white" />
    <corners android:topLeftRadius="16dp"
             android:topRightRadius="16dp" />

Add the styles below:

<style name="AppBottomSheetDialogTheme" 

    <item name="bottomSheetStyle">@style/CustomBottomSheetStyle</item>

<style name="CustomBottomSheetStyle" 

    <item name="android:background">@drawable/shape_rounded_dialog</item>

In your DialogFragment, override the method getTheme() to return your style.

public int getTheme() {
    return R.style.AppBottomSheetDialogTheme;

If you use the last version of material component you just have to override ShapeAppearance.MaterialComponents.LargeComponent (as the bottom sheet use this shape) and set the value you want like :

 <style name="ShapeAppearance.YourApp.LargeComponent" parent="ShapeAppearance.MaterialComponents.LargeComponent">
        <item name="cornerFamily">rounded</item>
        <item name="cornerSize">12dp</item>

And then set in your app style :

<item name="shapeAppearanceLargeComponent">@style/ShapeAppearance.YourApp.LargeComponent</item>

The solution of Gabriele Mariotti is similar and works too but this one is simpler.