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Instant run in Android Studio 2.0 (how to turn off)

People also ask

What is instant run in Android Studio?

Instant Run is a feature of Android Studio designed to significantly accelerate the code, build and run cycle. Using a swapping mechanism, Instant Run is able to push updates to the running application, in many cases without the need to re-install or even restart the app.

Does Android studio still have instant run?

Instant Run is currently available only in Android Studio 2.0, and higher. We will continue to improve the feature in subsequent releases.

How do I enable apply changes and restart activity?

1. You must enable instant run to use it. On Windows and Linux, click File → Settings In the Settings/Preferences dialog, go to Build, Execution, Deployment → Instant Run. If you want take advantage of instant run, first run it by green play button (shift + F10).


In Android Studio Version 3.5 and Above

Now Instant Run is removed, It has "Apply Changes". See official blog for more about the change.

we removed Instant Run and re-architectured and implemented from the ground-up a more practical approach in Android Studio 3.5 called Apply Changes.Apply Changes uses platform-specific APIs from Android Oreo and higher to ensure reliable and consistent behavior; unlike Instant Run, Apply Changes does not modify your APK. To support the changes, we re-architected the entire deployment pipeline to improve deployment speed, and also tweaked the run and deployment toolbar buttons for a more streamlined experience.

Now, As per stable available version 3.0 of Android studio,

If you need to turn off Instant Run, go to

File → Settings → Build, Execution, Deployment → Instant Run and uncheck Enable Instant Run.

enter image description here

Using Android Studio newest version and update Android Plugin to 'newest alpha version`, I can disable Instant Run: Android studio Instant Run view with Version highlighted Android studio Project view with Android Plugin Version highlighted

Try to update Android Studio.

I had the same exact isuue with the latest Android Studio 2.3.2 and Instant Run.

here what I did : (I'll give you two ways to achive that one disable for specefic project, and second for whole android studio):

  1. if you want to disable instant-run ONLY for the project that is not compatible (i.e the one with SugarORM lib)

on root of your projct open gradle-->gradle-wrapper.properties then change the value distributionUrl=https\://services.gradle.org/distributions/gradle-2.14.1-all.zip

and on your project build.gradle change the value

classpath 'com.android.tools.build:gradle:2.2.3'

enter image description here

  1. If you want to disable instant-run for all project (Across Android Studio)

in older version of AS settings for instant run is

File -> Other Settings -> Default Settings ->Build,Execution,Deployment

However In most recent version of Android Studio i.e 2.3.2 , instant run settings is:

  • for Android Studio Installed on Apple devices -> Preferences... (see following image)
  • for Android Studio Installed on Linux or Windows -> in File-> Settings...

enter image description here

enter image description here

Edited: If for any reason the Instant-run settings is greyed out do this :

Help-> Find Action... 

enter image description here

and then type 'enable isntant run' and click (now you should be able to change the value in Preferences... or file->Settings... , if that was the case then this is an Android Studio bug :-)

enter image description here

Turn off Instant Run from Settings → Build, Execution, Deployment → Instant Run and uncheck Enable Instant Run.

enter image description here