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Round Android Wear Emulator is Square

The title and picture say it all--my round android wear emulator shows the rect layout. I'd appreciate any tips that help me get the round emulator to show the correct interface.

Created AVD using instructions from: Android Documentation

Android Studio 0.8.1 Beta, SDK Tools 23.0.2, Wear target is 4.4W(API 20)

enter image description hereenter image description here

Creating the AVD using Wayne's Command Line method created an AVD that shows the correct UI

like image 250
KevinTydlacka Avatar asked Jul 08 '14 20:07


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Where is emulator settings in Android Studio?

By creating an emulator profile, your emulator is set with the required hardware configuration. Launch Android Studio and open your app's project if it does not load automatically. Select Tools > Device Manager. The Android device manager window appears.

How do I run AVD on my phone?

Run your app on the emulatorIn the toolbar, select the AVD that you want to run your app on from the target device drop-down menu. Click Run. The emulator might take a minute or so to launch for the first time, but subsequent launches will use a snapshot and should launch faster.

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An Android emulator is a tool that creates virtual Android devices (with software and hardware) on your computer. Note that: It is a program (a process that runs on your computer's operating system). It works by mimicking the guest device's architecture (more on that in a bit).

2 Answers

You don't have to use the command line to create the AVD. You should just make sure you turn off "USE HOST GPU" as this feature currently doesn't support the round watch face.

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nickjm Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 05:11


Make sure when you create you AVD that you select the following options for a round emulator:

Device: Android Wear Round (320 x 320: hdpi) Target: Android 4.4W - API Level 20 CPU/ABI: Android Wear ARM (armeabi-v7a) Skin: AndroidWearRound

Alternatively, you can create round or square emulators with the command lines:

android create avd --force -n WatchRound --target "android-20" --device "Android Wear Round" --skin AndroidWearRound --abi android-wear/armeabi-v7a
android create avd --force -n WatchSquare --target "android-20" --device "Android Wear Square" --skin AndroidWearSquare --abi android-wear/armeabi-v7a

It is important that Device and Skin are both consistent, and you cannot mix round and square with the same emulator. If the problem still happens, post a screen shot of your configuration.

like image 43
Wayne Piekarski Avatar answered Nov 17 '22 05:11

Wayne Piekarski